Campaign CBR Mk 2.1 8 by Coiot 2017-09-27 00:32:36 c_goe3rd CBR Mk 2.1 Part 85: From Ashes to Embers (1/2) a_pbgl20 2017-09-27 00:32:36 <img src=""" />AAR with 47 pictures. CBR Mk 2.1 Part 85: From Ashes to Embers (2/2) a_oi8fl1 2017-09-27 00:32:47 <img src=""" />AAR with 43 pictures. CBR Mk 2.1 Part 84: Sticking the Landing (3/3) a_48ygfp 2017-09-20 02:16:18 <img src=""" />AAR with 41 pictures.