AARs by City_of_Orphalese 2017-02-07 11:43:03 u_city-of-orphalese How I learned to stop hating heretics and start loving longbows: A CK2 Wales AAR a_jgyt1h 2017-02-07 11:43:03 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/d/b/dbr95wgjrplq.jpg"" />AAR with 126 pictures. The Legend of Truck Part 4: A New Hope a_o9izlp 2017-02-07 11:38:11 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/w/f/wfmjg62cam2j.jpg"" />AAR with 12 pictures. The Legend of Truck Part 3: Amphibious Assault a_053pjx 2017-02-07 11:37:55 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/o/r/oryqwbgfrfvx.jpg"" />AAR with 18 pictures. The Legend of Truck Part 2: Heading East a_g5zrm7 2017-02-07 11:37:39 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/6/o/6o1eqtd4p9yk.jpg"" />AAR with 24 pictures. The Legend of Truck Part 1 a_a37yk5 2017-02-07 11:37:17 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/z/q/zqdcwuapplsw.jpg"" />AAR with 17 pictures.