AARs by LacsiraxAriscal 2019-11-14 04:45:52 u_lacsiraxariscal CityNameManager+ Test Run 2 a_d4g1z5 2019-11-14 04:45:52 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/5/x/5xc8twa3tuxc.jpg"" />AAR with 61 pictures. More shots from a recent test run of my new expansion for Dawn of Civilization, City Name Manager+. CityNameManager+ Test Run a_g3kbx4 2019-11-09 03:19:35 https://aar.li/u/ <img src="https://img.aar.li/4/v/4veq8toe7tdq.jpg"" />AAR with 91 pictures. Some shots from a recent test run of my new expansion for Dawn of Civilization, City Name Manager+.