Deus, Pátria e Familia: A Portugal Road to 56 Mod AAR Part 1.

Author: Cowguypig
Published: 2017-06-17, edited: 2017-06-17
A play through of Portugal using the Road To 56 mod.
Following the failures of the Portuguese Republic our blessed Prime Minister António de Oliveira Salazar has ushered in a new era after establishing the current Estado Novo government back in 1933. Most executive power is held by Prime Minister Salazar himself, however there is also an elected assembly which is elected every four years. However the PIDE (Secret Police) ensure the National Union remains in power anyhow.

While not as far right leaning as Hitler and Mussolini the National Union makes sure to instill Catholic values into the Portuguese populace.
At the start of 1936 the army of Portugal is, while not in terrible shape, could see much improvement. A major problem however is the lack of any manpower. Our army is volunteer only so at the moment our reservers are empty. Field Marshal Marechal Franco, commander of troops in mainland Portugal has already began to ask Salazar to implement a mandatory conscription law.

[Also the unit icons in this mod are kinda glitched, using Nato counters doesn't fix it either. So if you see a submarine fighting on the front lines its probably just a regular old infantry division]
Our navy however is abysmal. Consisting of six destroyers and three submarines its a disgrace to Portugal's historic naval tradition.
The main template for Portuguese infantry divisions is 9 brigades of Infantry and a engineer support regiment. There is a noticeable lack of artillery however. Also many divisions are extremely under equipped with some divisions having 2 men for every gun.
Our air force only has 30 total planes. All being bombers without any fighter support. Since production will be focused on resupplying the army for the next while the air force will need to make due.
The natives of Angola and Mozambique have been blessed as we occupy and are civilizing their lands. Salazar had expressed great interest in converting the natives to Catholicism with many programs liberating children from from their tribes to bring them to schools which will instill Western ideals and Catholic religion into them.
The Germans remilitarize the Rhineland, an area they were forbidden from moving troops to by the French and British. But the Allies merely shrug it off and allow the Germans to do it Scott free.
Salazar, understating that a resurgent Germany may lead to a repeat of the great war decides that Portugal should begin to prepare for war, even if we wish to remain neutral like in the last World War.

But this time around Portugal may be picking a side. Many wish to spread our Catholic values to other territories. Like Spain where Left wing rabble have won recent elections.
If Portugal wants to fight with the big dogs we'll need modern infrastructure. Hence why the National Assembly passed a stimulus package aimed at building highways in the Porto and Beja regions.
The army's requests are finally answered as a new conscription law is implemented requiring all 18 year old males preform 18 months of mandatory military service.
The PIDE make some visits to some members of opposition parties to ensure their loyalty to Portugal.
The navy finally announces it has designed plans to build a modern heavy cruiser, but embarrassingly doesn't have the resources to build one in a realistic time frame.
In the games of the XI Olympiad Portugal takes home only one bronze medal which is in Equestrian, Team Jumping.
Salazar gives a speech on national radio stating how its Portugal's destiny to spread our Catholic values to African and Communist lands. With the worlds eyes on Germany and Japan not many foreigners are concerned by the increasing militarism in Portugal. Those who do give Salazar's speech any attention dismiss it as the ramblings of a madman and that Portugal is of little concern.
Little do they know that Portuguese agents have began to infiltrate areas in Spain like Galicia and are sending back vital intelligence to prepare for a possible invasion.
Several British and American Industrialists fund the creation of new factories in the Porto and Beja regions.
Once again Salazar takes to the radio to condemn the left wing government of Spain. Its not much worry to the Spaniards as their military is much larger than ours. However more and more members of the Spanish armed forces have begun to express dissent against the left wing government.
Salazar signs a bill greatly increasing funding to Portugal's military industrial complex. Many in the National Assembly opposed the bill as at the moment Portugal will need to borrow massive amounts of money to pay for it. However, with the PIDE's assitance it passed anyways. Salazar and some members of the National Union knew that economic gains from a conquest of Spain will more than pay for the new military factories.
Just as predicted by Salazar Spain collapses into civil war after a failed military coup, Spain is ripe for the taking. But right now we remain neutral.

(Gotta wait for the justification to finish)
New military advisors are brought in to prepare for the upcoming invasion.
The increased funding for the military industrial complex pays off as in the last few months weapons production has doubled and most divisions are reaching full strength.
New trade deals are made with the Americans to feed us the needed raw resources.
The military command in Spain is split into three different Armies.

Army 4 led by Jaime Marques tasked with taking Galicia.

Army 5 led by Afonso Fernades tasked with taking Southern Spain.

Army 1 led by Field Marshal Marechal Franco tasked with taking areas east of the Northern half of Portugal.
A new division is finally deployed and is sent to join the 1st army. With our increased industrial output many more divisions are ordered.
To prepare for a worst-case scenario several forts are built just incase the Spanish force us back.
Modern fighter designs are completed and begin to enter production. Its hoped by the time the war starts enough fighters will be built to protect our existing bomber squadrons.
While not having the cultish following like Hitler and Mussolini posses Prime Minister Salazar is well beloved by the Portuguese people. Mostly because of the stability he has provided after the failings of the First Portuguese Republic.
On the other side of the world war breaks out between China And Japan. Its hoped that this will shift the worlds attention away from us when we invade Spain.
The Japanese already advance on Bejing.
Good news for the long neglected navy as another bill is passed which is aimed at expanding naval dockyards. This will allow the navy to have ships bigger than a destroyer.
Also the R&D division of the army begins to research modern light tanks.
The first ever Portuguese fighter wing is deployed.
Investment into factories on the Azores islands is encourged as they will be far from any fighting.
Finally on November 17th 1937 we make our move on the Spanish. As they are focused on fighting a civil war its hoped we will take them by surprise.

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Images: 11, author: Yoper101, published: 2017-07-20, edited: 2017-07-22