The Three Principles: a Republic of China AAR Part 1

Author: DanBaque
Published: 2018-07-24, edited: 1970-01-01
After a month of disorganized skirmishing and internal reorganization, the provisional Cabinet of the Republic of China was decided upon, with a distinctly military nature.
Although the Left-Kuomintang had no presence among it, its influence in the secret societies and political clubs that defined the early Republic meant that the government was forced to pass an extensive wartime bill of rights, and promise elections when the war ended.
The first matter that preocupied the government was modernizing the army- disorganized, and with most of it being simple militias made out of farmers and workers and a core of foreign volunteers and AOG deserters, there was a worry that the Republic would be quickly outmatched.
The disorganization of the uprising could be seen in the fact that, in the Northwest, two AOG divisions declared themselves for the Republic, without the government noticing until a fortnight later, when hundreds had already died.
After causing thousands of losses for the AOG, and tying up valuable resources, both divisions would surrender, with a small number of them taking what little ammunition they had left and continuing the fight as partisans.
The rebellion split the AOG in two, with the west having the majority of the army, and the east being forced to gain military supplies by convoy and by buying supplies from the International Treaty Zone, something that would cause the Republic pain later on.
The first great battle of the Republic was the Battle for Guangzhou, the old capital of Sun Yat-Sen's KMT. The colonial military had moved its naval guns to defensive positions, cutting away access to the city, and forcing Sun Li-Gen to find another way in.

Instead, he sent spies into the city, who, under the guise of labourers, disabled the guns at the same time as an infiltration assault began. Surrounded and with a clear way of escape, the defenders soon crumbled, and were harried by Republican cavalry on their retreat.
Knowing that the Chinese soldiers of the KMT were demoralized by fighting their countrymen, and that the general staff of the AOG was uncertain of where the front was, Sun Li-Gen began a front wide offensive, seeking to neutralize all forces in the east and take control of the coastlines in the west.
The Eastern Army Group of the AOG, undersupplied, outnumbered, and outgunned, was quickly forced to retreat behind the rivers to better defensive positions.
The civilian government of the AOG saw the writng on the wall, and offered to give up all tland to the east of the Republics conquests, and to begin De-germanization. This offer was categorically refused, with the demand of unconditional surrender being repeated.

Falkenhausen, worried about possible treason and mutiny, perpetrated a coup d'etat, bringing the AOG under his direct control.
The offensives of the Republic had been a complete success, with 40,000 soldiers and militiamen surrendering themselves; and the Northwest being quickly taken. Sun Li-Gen ordered a small monument to be made to the martyrs that had fought a hopeless battle against the AOG.
WIth the AOG greatly weakened, the military command decided on a grand offensive, designed to take over all arsenals and military stations of importance.
Although weakened, the AOG was led by well trained, experienced officers, and still had some fight in it. Counteroffensives were common, but, as resources dwindled, the military was forced to concentrate on defense and survival.
By the end of December, the Eastern Army group was surrounded, and most of its men had deserted or died.
However, in a masterful move, the military commanders surrendered to the International Concession, which, in order to protect their trade, already had soldiers in the vicinity.

In order not to spark an international incident, the Republic was forced to accept the loss of part of the coastline. A humiliation that would not be forgotten.
In January, the last army units still resisting held Bose, commanded by Falkenhausen. After a hard battle in the mountains, Falkenhausen was captured.
Terrified by his impending death, he offered up all of Southern China, in exchange for his life.
The officers that captured him were enraged and shot him fatally in the neck.
Finally, after months of bloody war, the Republic had been victorious. A week after the AOG had been defeated, democratic elections in China were held, for the first time in decades.

The result was a resounding majority for Madame Sun and the Left-KMT. The three principles of the people would be upheld.
Madame Sun.

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Images: 39, author: superecnate, published: 2017-07-30