Unfinished Starbound AAR

Author: Radetch

Hi. If you found this, you either know me from back in the day, or just randomly found your way here. This was a short and unfinished campaign using a heavily modified version of the game Starbound.

Originally designed to be lighthearted and a bit of a knock at the game and its foibles, it became more serious as it went on (and became less focused on Starbound as I spliced other games and random footage in to give me an excuse to just, y'know, write.)

The first three or so updates are, frankly, rough. The humour is pretty juvenile, and I don't know if I would've given my confused robot lordling the name tinselkampf these days, although it still makes me chuckle.

On the other hand, I feel like the later updates, especially, are still pretty engaging, and indicative of what I'd hoped starbound'd be more about. Exploring and settling a living galaxy, starting your own faction, and watching it collapse. Uh, Mount & Blade in SPACE, I guess.

Tl;DR if you're still here, adventures of a silly space robot monarchist who starts questioning everything as things go on and get less silly. Also there are some other people, they're pretty neat too.

Hope you enjoy, and if you actually were around, sorry I didn't finish it. Who knows; stranger things have happened, Horatio...