Federal Republic of Hungary AAR - Part VI - The End of Andrassy's Rule (1875 - 1880)

Author: johnr754
Published: 2017-02-07, edited: 2017-02-07
Part V, where we end up at war against Turkey, lose Kismarton and start expanding in Africa.

Part of the campaign:

Federal Republic of Hungary AAR

Previous part:

Game: Victoria 2

Federal Republic of Hungary AAR - Part V - Fourth Austro-Hungarian War (1867-1875)

Images: 64, author: johnr754, published: 2017-02-05

It is 1875, and elections have, once again, arrived.
As expected, Andrassy is the National Conservative candidate once more.
And, of course, Ferenc Deak is the liberal candidate.
The electoral vote spells a National Conservative victory, as usual.
Industrial reforms in Elsass-Lothringen increase the industrial output of the area, causing an increase of power for the Germans.
In 1875, prior to the end of the election, Buda and Pest were unified into one city to create the first big metropolis in Hungary - Budapest. With the support of President Andrassy, Budapest shall become the greatest city on the Danube.
The Bridge itself signifies the connection between Buda and Pest, and the unification of the two cities.
The National Conservatives win a dominating victory, winning 100% of the vote. Andrassy will end up leader for sixteen years.
The Diet itself shows a different story - the National Conservatives have a majority, while the Socialists and the Liberals are both gaining in power. It is possible that the National Conservatives are losing their grip in power, but it's hard to say.
In this time following German unification, Africa has seen considerable interest by European powers. The continent itself has a lot of uncivilized savages, and it's possible the British, French, or even the Hungarians ourselves could civilize a content stuck in the Stone Age.
The strategic islands of Hawaii in Polynesia are annexed into the United States. This doesn't concern us, but it's worth noting.
Budapest's population grows more and more.
What started as a socialist uprising in Hungary resulted in something worse.
The Habsburgs are mad. They want Kismarton back. And we'll happily fight them for it, god damn it.
Then the Habsburgs send a notice. Bismarck has promised to help them out.

At that moment, Andrassy realizes the war is lost. There is nothing we can do.
Within days, Andrassy gives up Kismarton - which is majority German anyway - and it becomes Austrian territory once more.

Andrassy's once booming popularity dies
The Greeks have no hard feelings, sharing similar sentiment of getting screwed over by the Eternal Deutsche, and signs a Treaty of Alliance in 1876.
Soldiers are now sent to defend the Austro-Hungarian border in the west.
A crisis erupts in the Greek-majority Aegean Islands over whether or not the Ottomans truly deserve to rule over it.
A budget crisis results in tariffs being increased.
The crisis peacefully ends in a white peace. Status quo. Nothing is changed.
Napoleon IV, Emperor of the French, takes interest in us, but they don't expand upon it.
However, a decisive event that allows something truly magical happens.

Communist revolution in the Ottoman Empire.
Anger over the Ottoman Empire's decline and general lack of help to the common worker leads to a massive uprising in Konstantinyye. The rebels enter the Imperial Palace, and brutally murder Murad V and other Ottoman nobles. The Ottoman Empire is no more.
Dimitar Blagoev, a Bulgarian man from Sofia, was the leader of the Turkish Revolution. The leader of the Turkish Communist Party, he became the Chairman of Turkey.

This presents an opportunity for us. Foreign influence in Turkey has ended; now we can press our will without Eternal Deutsche intervening.
Feeling emboldened, the Anarchists stage a massive uprising east of the Danube.
The uprising itself.
Italy finds itself at war with half of Europe after France attempts to gain Savoy back and after Austria attempts to gain South Tyrol back.
The Carlists overthrow the Spanish government and a new King is installed - Juan III. The Carlists keep the old alliance, meaning no diplomatic ties are broken.
Bismarck signs an alliance with British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, forming the unholiest of alliances that should've never happened.
Further emboldened Communists uprise once more.
Italy loses Savoy for good. They fare well against Austria, but still seem to falter.
Blagoev declares the end of the Ottomanist idea; a large Sultanate unified under an Emperor spanning multiple cultures, religions, and languages. Turkish was to become the language. State Atheism was the religion, and Turkish culture was only allowed.

To further solidify this, Konstantinyye was renamed to Istanbul.
Elections start in Hungary once more.
The loss of Kismarton provides a serious failure in Andrassy's administration. A general lack of care for the worker itself leads to the Socialists and Communists gaining more and more popularity in the area.
Realizing the possiblity of expansion, Andrassy decides to propose an invasion of Turkey. Bosnia itself shall become Hungarian. This was met with massive controversy.
In the meantime, the Romanian monarchy, led by Carol I von Hohenzollern, invaded Sillistre in an attempt to conquer what was rightfully Romanian.
Our position grows, while Turkey's falters.
They request military access, but we spit in their faces.
Our regiments are moved away from Austria, and into the former Military Frontier of Austria.
However, to the surprise of the National Conservatives, Andrassy wins a few provinces. The Socialist Party instead wins the majority of provinces. This comes as a shock to the Nationalist Conservatives, who completely expected another victory for them after having won the last four elections in a row dominantly.
Andrassy agrees to resign, and concedes. He promises to come back when the people want him to, but his sixteen-year reign as President of Hungary is over.
Paul Gabor Engelmann, a Budapest plumber, became the new President. He had little political experience, but captured the Hungarian people by speaking in hope of reform and workers' unions. In turn, his campaign allowed him to prevail over Andrassy, who had ruled for sixteen years and led to the loss of the Kismarton province.
However, Engelmann is unable to cancel the war against the Turks. He himself thinks war against Turkey would be good, even if it goes against his own ideology, as the Turkish Socialist Republic and the ruling Socialist Party are both highly connected. Despite this, the Diet still goes on with the war. Engelmann decides to support it.
The Italians willingly sign an alliance. As it turns out, the reason why isn't because they wanted to; their army was effectively nonexistent.
Budget reform is undertaken that increases tariffs and taxes for both the rich and the middle class.
By early 1880, it is done. We have our cause of war needed.
In 1 March 1880, the Diet claims that a Hungarian clergyman that traveled to Istanbul was executed by the Communist government for no good reason, and called it a diplomatic insult. The Turkish Communist government denies these claims, but the Diet didn't care. A week later, they voted for war. Hungarian troops enter Bosnia.
War is declared in the first "Crusade Against Communism".

Will Hungary be able to take over parts of Bosnia and more without German interference? Will we be able to accomplish our goals? Who knows.

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

Hungary AAR - Part VII - The Balkans, Tripoli, and Africa (1880-1883)

Images: 66, author: johnr754, published: 2017-02-08

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Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's

Conquest of the Old World: Part One - Indigenous Imperialists

Images: 19, author: archie0, published: 2019-06-10, edited: 1970-01-01