The People's Republic of China - NWO Victoria 2 AAR #9

Author: ZOO231
Published: 2017-07-24, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

The People's Republic of China - NWO Victoria 2 AAR

Previous part:

Game: Victoria 2

The People\'s Republic of China - NWO Victoria 2 AAR #8

Images: 90, author: ZOO231, published: 2017-07-24, edited: 1970-01-01

Welcome back! In the last part, we had liberated Bangladesh and invaded Japan and Korea to expand our control over Asia.
Meanwhile, in North America our only base of influence in the
region kicks out our investors and claims our projects which we funded as their own. We must act now and show the world that we are capable of oversea invasions!
With the island housing a small population, we do not expect mass resistance but a swift victory.
Indeed a swift victory, the nation is already on its knees.
We now have a secure base of influence in North America. We now have an upper hand over the USA as we can possibly use the island as a base for nuclear weapons. Obviously we will not make the same mistake the Soviets made over sixty years ago in Cuba.
The government of Pakistan still isn't too fond of us after our invasion to liberate Bangladesh. Of course their demand for the return of their territories is refused by us and we prevent the developing crisis to become worse.
The concept of atheism sweeps across the nation with many tired of the thousands of years old traditions.
More funds go into the development of our nuclear missiles aleading to us becoming one of the few countries to posses the ability to strike the enemy from the air, land and now sea. Hopefully this will allow us to fund education and migration programs.
Our bid was sucessfull and the planning can begin. Local infrastructure will also gain more attention now.
The USA had sphered Burma for a couple of years and as a result, the false hope of democracy had managed to plague the country. How will they make any critical decisions? We must liberate their people!
468,000 troops stationed nearby are to begin invading so we can quickly subdue the country.
In Europe, the influx of refugess from mainly Africa and some from the Middle-East have led to some European countries falling into political troubles. Populists in Luxemburg go to arms and we accept the request for help to once again show our might.
Strikes against reforms in France turn violent with communist groups seizing control.
Our troops were not even halfway when their mission to Luxemburg was called of.
The invasion continues with little resistance.
Still they do not understand we are there to help them, it looks like our troops will be coming back to address the issue...
Our SOI strengthens!
The Turkic people rush to the open arms of India who demand us to give our land to them. What a foolish request, it shall be met with force if required to.
It seems as though all the great powers involved in the crisis (except us of course) are calling for us to listen to India's demands and they also give full military support for the cause. We try to improve relations with the UK who has a large and experienced navy but it is already too late.
It looks like with either side refusing to back down, war will be upons us very soon.
Thousands of troops are sent to Pakistan to prepare for an invasion of India as soon as war is declared.
Troops are also moved to Bangladesh to get ready for an offensive against India.
The Five Year Plan continues with this phase focusing on military industries, especially with the coming war.
And it begins!
We plan on advancing a little past our positions in the north in the mountains against the better equiped Russian armies but go on the full offensive against India in the south.
In eastern Siberia our forces advance and we do not anticipate any Russian forces making it past the mountains in time to meet us.
The invasion of India begins.
700,000+ troops invade Russia from the east.
A few thousand soldiers are also sent into Mongolia and move into Siberia.
The landlocked nation of Hyderabad who is on our side suprisingly seems to be holding of well against the much stronger India.
We see no need for us to bring out our nuclear weapons, our territory is not the one at danger anyways.
With help from the Bangladeshi troops, we move into eastern India with ease.
The mobilised Russian troops being their march to Siberia where they will meet our armies soon and be slain in the cold.
British forces land in Bangladesh leading the way for further enemy troops to make landfall. Troops en-route to the main fronts are redirected to Bangladesh to address the threat.
As most of our forces were busy with the enemy forces in the north and east, we were unable to send troops to Iran to defend against a Russian invasion. Hopefully we will be able to subdue India and push back Russia in time.
Our forces are outnumbered in the west, we must now move quickly to ensure victory.
A blockade is setup of India to prevent supplies getting through but with the enemy having a superior navy, we will have to be careful.
Finally, the British force is begining to be defeated as more and more of our allied forces move in to the battle.
It is decided to ensure the occupation of Siberia and India is quick and efficient, we must mobilise so that we can also outnumber the enemy.
The Battle of Calcutta sees the enemy force being pushed back completely and the chase begins to slaughter them all.
On the Northen Front, many victories come our way and it seems as though our supreme organisation may overcome the better equipped Russian forces.
The situation in Siberia.
With our forces outnumbered against India, we see no need in continuing the defensive war and ready our nuclear weapons, the enemy takes similar action but talks between us and them eventually lead to peace.
Troops are relieved upon hearing the war is at an end.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths for absolutelty no good reason.
Despite taking more casualties, our troops were able to keep the main Indian armies busy whilst reinforcements rushed to the fronts.
Our allies suffered as well, especially Afghanistan and Iran who were unable to stop the Russian troops invading through the mountains.
Nearly all our provinces have recieved the right amounts of adminstation supervisors and we continue the incorporation program.
Rebellions in our Indian region of our SOI following the disastrous war are quickly squashed.
We aim to repair relations with Russia because after all, it was the British and India who had pulled them in to the war.
We organise the winter olympic games in the west where many of the fallen soldiers were from. We hope the memories of the horrible war will be forgotten but also to soldify the memory of the fallen soldiers by dedicating the events to them.
Our navy recieves extra funds to help with expansion to match the powerful navies of the other great powers.
We shall fight every diesease and danger we meet with all the capabilites we have,
With Turkey refusing to return to its 'democratic' ways to the demand of Russia, they break down their relations, perhaps it is time to stretch our SOI across to Turkey.
With tension returning to high levels once again in the western regions, we initiate a program to encourage ethnically Chinese migrants to move to those regions to outnumber the Turkic people.
Years on and Pakistan has seemed to have forgotten about the issure regarding Bangladesh and they happily accept joining our SOI.
Talks between the former colonial powers almost lead to war.
Perhaps if they had dealt with the issues of colonialism before more effeciently, these problems would never have come up.
Somalia grows and maybe now it is time to begin investing into Africa states, especially with the abundance of resources and population.
The Philippines experiences a change in government without our permission, we cannot have this at all so we look to use military action to quickly put in place out communist govenment.
Troops in the south immidieately move in from the sea.
Our professional armies meet waves of rebels and mobilised forces but we take little losses compared to that of the enemy.
We have now secured the province in the north meaning more troops can make their way to the on-going battle where despite our advantage in tech and equipment, the large numbers of incoming enemy forces is begining to take its toll on us.
Luckily, before any more casualties are taken, the war comes to an end.
Nevermind, looks like our troops will be returning to establish a proper puppet government to maintain control in the region.
Once again we quickly take the northern province but this time with little resistance.
After Canada refused to give the USA access to its oil pipelines, a swift invasion resulted in Canada joining the USA.
Mexico had already fallen after political instablity in the country worried the national interests of the USA. We know however that the USA is simply trying to secure all the resources it can, especially with fossil fuels running low.
The Philippines are close to collapse, their last remaining troops have been pushed back.
A month later, the conflict with the Phillippines finally comes to an end and a puppet government is put in power. A single regiment is left on the island nation to deal with any future uprisings.
Iran who is in our SOI requests us to back them in a developing crisis where the UK, India, Russia and many others in Europe demand that Balouchistan be given its 'rightful' territory. Only Germany seems to be supporting us at the moment. Thousands had perished in the war before and if it looks like if war is returning, we will have to make sure the enemy is crippled to prevent them from infringing on our SOI again.
The dragon must awaken from its sleep.

Thanks for reading!

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

The People\'s Republic of China - NWO Victoria 2 AAR #10

Images: 86, author: ZOO231, published: 2017-07-24, edited: 1970-01-01

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