Nihon! Banzai!

Author: HenryPouet
Published: 2017-03-13, edited: 2017-03-13
Welcome dirty Gaijin ! Since you're new around here, let me introduce you to the glorious Empire of Japan, the most perfect country on earth.

Japan – or Nihon – is a country of the « Far East », an island nation off the coast of Zhōngguó and Rossiya that marks the limit of the gigantic Pacific Ocean. As such, its people – the Japanese and the native Ainu – are mostly sea people. The countryside is quite mountainous but the littoral is fertile ; this combined with its diverse climates allows for all kind of productions. Japan is an empire led by the Yamato dynasty since around 660 BCE but its political structure has long been fragmented between various daymiō – local feudal lords. The country underwent several unifications in the modern era : under the Ashikaga clan, under the Tokugawa shogunate and finally, under our beloved leader, prince Sachi no Miya, the Emperor Under The Sun Meiji. He and his successor, He Who Sits On The Chrysanthemum Throne Taishō Tennō, led the country into an era of unprecedented prosperity and peace, making Japan the first power in the world.

Let me show you.
The Kingdom of Joseon was a long time neighbor and friend of Japan, but it was a dangerous one. For eons under technical Chinese rule the peninsula presented a risk for our country: described by foreigners as a dagger pointed at the country's heart, it was natural for us to push our interests there. An occasion presented itself when the so-called Tonghak Rebellion overthrew the Manchu-leaning government: we seized control of the leadership and – after pushing back Qing troops led by Yuan Shikai – officially annexed the territory. Under Japanese rule, many improvements were made, especially in the infrastructure needed to fully profit from the abundant coal and iron resources. The Imperial government made a lot of effort to fully integrate the Koreans, giving them the exact same rights as our own citizens – save for the vote – and drastically improving living conditions. But in the following years, concessions were made as we understood the need for independence: in 1912 Japanese security troops left the peninsula and order was maintained by two fully Korean divisions; and in 1926 an official Parliament of Korea was set up with universal voting rights. Now that plans are made to evacuate the 150,000 Imperial troops keeping the border with Manchuria, it seems obvious to everyone that the days of Japanese Korea are over.
Manchuria-Manchukuo is a large swath of lands north of the Korean Peninsula. Historically home of the Manchu people who then went on to conquer Ming China, the area is very sparsely populated with huge resources in coal but no industry of any sort to take advantage of it. We fixed this. When a civil war broke out in the Middle Kingdom due to the liberal reforms of Empress Dowager Cixi, her opponents fled in the northern steppes and proclaimed independence. The Japanese government, eager to acquire both the resources of the area and fantastic buffer between Russia, Japan and China, intervened to secure Manchu freedom. Manchuria-Manchukuo became our first partner in what would become the future Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and was given the territory of Priamurye-Outer Manchuria conquered several years earlier from Russian hands. Nowadays, both sides still claim full hegemony over the other one as the True China. Manchuria is currently ruled by Emperor Puyi.
The Northern Gate is a mountainous area home to the Ainu people – the native people of the islands of Japan. It is composed of groups of islands: Hokkaido and Karafuto (the Sakhalin islands and the Kurils). After the defeat of the Shogunate forces during the Boshin War, the remaining samurais under the authority of the last shogun retreated to the north where they petitioned for peace. Willing to bring our peoples together, the wise Emperor accepted. Thus was created the Republic of Ezo, the first democracy in Asia. It was a haven for retired soldiers and nostalgic veteran, working hand-in-hand with the native Ainu. When the Sakhalin Islands were taken from Russia, they were given to the Ezo Republic as a sign of trust.
In 1920 the people of the Republic organized a referendum and with an overwhelming success, voted to fully join the Empire. We formally accepted to be reunited with our brothers.
Almost at the same time the Ezo Republic was created, the southern island of Kyushu rebelled during the infamous Satsuma Rebellion by disgruntled samurai opposing the liberal reforms of Emperor Meiji. Would they have asked us to protect the Southern Gate, we would have agreed but they immediately took an aggressive stance against us so we had to act. Thus the rebellion was crushed merciless.
The southern Ogasawara islands were the first expansion of the Empire after its unification. Technically, the reigning Ryukyu kingdom was a vassal state of the Satsuma domain from 1609 on. With the suppression of the Han system, we became their sovereign and shortly after the kingdom was abolished to be formally annexed. It since has served as a naval and military base for our expeditions in China.
Our relations with the Chinese have always been complicated. Now we are so powerful we could easily crush them over and over again. Alas, we are not warmongers: we'd much prefer walk hand-in-hand with our Asian brothers to fight off western imperialism. It was not meant to be. The Qing were nothing but defiant and aggressive toward us and never once presented themselves willing to join forces. Our Extra-Territorial Dependencies (ETD) in China have all been acquired in semi-defensive wars: intervention for Korean independence, intervention for Manchurian independence and war of liberation against Russia. There are four of them: Hainan, Shanghai, Qingdao and the northernmost port of Ryojun-Lüshun-Port Arthur. We also acquired the island of Formosa-Taiwan but it has since been integrated as full part of the State of Japan as the state of Takasago. Those are our southern shields against any European potential invasion.
The Pacific island of Hawaii was annexed in 1882: following American pressure on their leadership, they turned to us for protection and we struck a deal. The king of the island, Kamehameha VI, would become a vassal of the Emperor, just like the daymiō of old. The realm would keep most of its autonomy, using its own revenues as it wishes but also benefiting from Japanese subsidies. In exchange the kingdom would serve as a naval and military base, as well as allow Japanese factories and immigrants.
The Panama canal is one of the wonder of the world. It was achieved in 1894 after *numerous* problems delayed the construction. It is our easternmost base but also our most fragile: the strategic and economic position is envied by all in the Americas. They don't welcome our kind over here. We have fought for a long time to keep influence and control over the area but it was a lost battle: now our domain is limited to the canal itself and a loyal government in the neighboring Nicaragua (set up after communist coup threatening our interests).
If war came to us it would be impossible to hold the area: our closest bases being in Hawaii and Easter Island. Our projecting power in the Americas is real and threatening for them but dangerously vulnerable.
The problem is similar with the South Pacific. Seeing European powers jump on the area, we fought teeth and nails to take control of most it. Most of those islands have been integrated as states of the Realm and their inhabitants (now mostly Japanese immigrants) enjoy all rights and benefits a proper Japanese citizen would. In Melanesia…
...and Polynesia
Our control over the Far East and East Asia is almost total. Especially in the northern Pacific area where the Russians have been kicked times and times again. Actually only two times. Mongolia had been liberated from Russia by diplomatic means and was more than happy to join the newly created Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. After losing against Germany, the weak Russian Empire was dismantled and Siberia gained independence. We quickly welcomed them to the GEACPS as well, generating more buffer states. At this point, Russia IS the buffer state.
In the Southern Pacific our effort has been weaker: we push for isolationist policies and regional power instead. Most of our work has been to welcome old or new independent anti-colonial nations into the GEACPS: this includes money, military alliance and shared technologies, as well as help against rebellions – especially communists and fascists. The southern GEACPS include: the Philippines, Sarawak, Johore and Siam-Thailand. Our next targets for diplomatic entente are Australia, New Zealand and Dai Nam.
On the other side of the globe, our influence is quite limited. Our most important friend and ally is Egypt, for the sole reason that they produce a lot of the cotton needed for our gigantic textile industry. We thus have always protected them from foreign intervention (well- except ours it is). We also have Treaties of Friendship and Mutual Support with Sudan, Persia, Iceland and the last remain of Ethiopia. This basically means that we heavily invest in their infrastructure and in exchange we benefit from their RGOs. This neo-colonial policy profit both of us but greatly enrage other Great Powers.
Oh, I forgot! Our capital is in the ancestral city of Kyoto, where the Emperor resides, protected by the 30,000 men of the Imperial Guard. The infrastructure there as in the rest of the country is fantastic: we have the most modern fortresses as well as the biggest ports in the world.
And our railroad network is the best on Earth. You can join Edo to Kyoto in one day only!
Politically, the Emperor abandoned most of its power during the Meiji reforms – save for designing the leading party now and then. Since then the country has been led by the socialist Shakaitou party. Japan is the best social-democracy in the world. Our people are free, happy, educated and equals. They call us “The Sweeden of Asia” but we don't actually know what that means. The rights of the workers are protected, corruption is kept low, social benefits are high. Universal voting has been introduced in the year 1905 – this includes women vote. Immigrants are most welcomed, schools are excellent, capital punishment has been abolished. No prohibition, no censorship, no draft. We are one reform away from full welfare state. Our people are pacifists, atheists and liberals. 420 blaze it gaijin.
For Nihon! Banzai!
Talking about our people… We have a population of about 35 millions adult male, about equally farmers, craftsmen, laborers and other professions. Our ethnic and religious makeup is homogenous as can be. Socialists, Liberals, Conservative, Fascists in that order. We are very highly literates.
In the colonies, the situation is similar.
We have the second most number of craftsmen in the world behind our old nemesis. Note also our huge number of soldiers rivaling with both the USA and Germany. Note also also that we have three times the number of intellectuals of the USA. Just sayin'
The prosperity of our country allows us to have a pretty straightforward budget: all to the max, except for taxes and tariffs. We still have a huuuuge net profit. We spend the same amount of money in the bureaucracy, in the national stockpile (mostly the army) and in the industry.
We are the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. Banzai! Those technologies, coupled with a huge literate craftsmen population and a good amount of subsidies, led to THIS.
Our pride and joy. The number one (for a time and soon enough again) industry in the world, concentrated on six states only. We are upgrading non-stop and we still have high level of unemployment, especially in the capital.
All factories are desgined to be in perfect synchronization with the others and the province's RGOs as to hoard as much bonuses as possible. We're spitting manufactured products as a crazy rate never seen before in the world. From the biggest states… the tiniest island.
The. Tiniest. Island.
This is the heart of our nation and the reason we can afford to be number one. Our biggest factory employs half a million people and brings 2,000 pounds benefits EVERY DAY.
Of course we profited from this source of income and also shared our prosperity with the world: half the train tracks in the world have Japanese mark on it. Especially where it can profit us (ex: Egypt => More train => More RGO => More factory for us).
As I said we have a HUGE textile industry and it's our first export. Everyone wears clothes “Made in Japan”. Next come our liquor (even the filthiest Irish peasant drinks some sake now and then) and the glass to go with it. Same goes with our tea. Our second biggest industry is the Industrial and Armament goods chain: our steel furnish factories halfway through the world. Same goes for Machine Parts and Electric Components...
...which allows us some sweet share of the market…
...when we don't have a monopoly (we're one of the last maker of clipper and streamers).
We are the arms dealers of the world.
We sell to everyone, no distinction.
Death is our business.
"You know who's going to inherit the earth? Arms dealers. Because everyone else is too busy killing each other. That's the secret to survival. Never go to war, especially with yourself."
But well, in case we need to, we also have one of the biggest army in the world. 21 divisions of 30,000 men each all ready to die for Glorious Nihon. They are organized as follow: 4INF/4ART/1ENG/1HUS. Some of the border forces have modern tanks and airplanes to protect from any foreign surprise attack. Our fantastic generals (+5 ATT; +6 DEF) will lead us to victory no matter what. Plus they know that they have the support of the best marine in the world. Literally. We have enough fleets to put ten battleships on every coast of Japan proper.
Nihon! Banzai!

Third population of the world with twice less provinces. 98§ literacy rates, no poverty. Best leadership of the planet with troops that could burn China ten times and still be fresh to take on Russia.
Not that we'd need to. We are pacifists after all. The international diplomatic situation is not that stable nowadays but who cares? We're number one! Apart from Russia (fascist) and France (Absolute Monarchy), the world is quite liberal: led by constitutional monarchies more or less liberals (Japan, UK, Germany) and democracies (Italian Republic and the Netherlands). Colonial powers are fading slowly but surely leading to a freer world.
15 years ago. Won't show nowadays because it's quite ugly. As is Africa.
Our old nemesis. They hate us dearly and dream to replace us at the head of the Pacific. They went after Mexico all during the period but did not do much apart from that.
Breaking from our isolationists policies to support anti-colonialism. Freedom for all!
A new crisis erupt at the end of the year. We fear this may be a big one. Anyway, we shall not take part.

But we will be sure to sell others what they need to do so :)
On 2nd of January 1935, the independence of the Republic of Korea is proclaimed. While for now we still has control over it, we hope to make it a partner rather than a servant. Plans are set up to do the same with the ETDs and thus create a non-Qing China, while in the meantime our generals and admirals lure the idea to free South-East Asia from western imperialism. We have plenty to look forward, so one last time…
Nihon! Banzai!

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Images: 23, author: Mattekillert, published: 2017-02-01, edited: 1970-01-01