God Wills It - A HPM Roman AAR - Part 7

Author: ElvenAshwin
Published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

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God Wills It - A HPM Roman AAR

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God Wills It - A HPM Roman AAR - Part 6

Images: 60, author: ElvenAshwin, published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

The Eternal Republic
Broken glass and porcelain litter the streets. Horse carriages and a mess of timber and steel dot the landscape - the skeletons of barricades used in final stands all across the country. The Sistine Chapel has partially collapsed upon itself, having been forced to weather French shelling. There are large black stains where massive fires had raged before.

And from the rubble of the Roman Republic, rise a people more hardened and committed in their devotion to liberty than ever before. A populace once disinterested in the affairs of a world beyond their comprehension now rallies together in defiance of tyranny, bravely refusing to give up what they had fought and paid so dearly for. The love of liberty has been planted in the hearts of the youth of our nation - no foreign nation will ever take it from us without a struggle to the death.

Just four years after the founding of the Roman Republic, we were plunged directly into an existential war. Even as all seemed lost our brave soldiers - though they had families of their own to care for - rushed directly into certain death in the hope of salvaging their nation.

And, not through numbers or technology, but through sheer determination and the will to resist, we have won.
Analyzing war
As we pick up the broken pieces of the Republic, High Command begins to analyze the various battles in the war and the performance of our generals. They study the casualties, tactics and inefficiencies in our strategy throughout the war in the hopes of ensuring better preparedness in the future.

But regardless of military capability, what would be worth more than anything would be allies. What cost us so dearly in the First Savoyard-Roman War was not our military and its competence but rather our foreign policy and failure to secure an alliance with a great power. And there is one man to blame for that.
Nicola Filangieri, Hero of Rome
In the aftermath of the war, Consul Molinelli finds himself attacked on all angles by political rivals. The hippies within the Republican Party blame him for not reaching a settlement on Romagna, the Moderates attack him for failing to reach an alliance with Austria-Hungary and the Socialists say something about the big banks and the 1%.

In order to appease the public and ensure the support of the military, Molinelli establishes the Roman Honours system. He awards General Nicola Filangieri, the man who led us to victory in the face of incredible odds, the highest military decoration of the Ancient Roman Republic, the Grass Crown. He also assigns Filangieri the title Hero of Rome and the victory title Francicus Maximus.

With this, Molinelli also prepares for a great Triumph to be held in Rome, but he is immediately rebuked by the Senate. Cesare Grifeo, now a senior member of the Moderate Party, accuses Molinelli of expending money in a time when the Republic needs to rebuild. This attacks stick, forcing Molinelli to abandon his plans.
Reaching out over the divide
The war and Roman commitment to holding Romagna utterly tarnish Franco-Roman relations, with the French now angered by the perceived betrayal of a former ally. Molinelli desperately tries to reach out, arguing that it is better for France and Rome to cooperate rather than compete.

This is, yet again, a PR disaster within the Republic, as its leader attempts to reconciliate with a nation so recently responsible for so much death and murder.
Hold the front, he said whilst coughing blood
By March, all French troops have left the Republic, allowing for our legions to advance once again to the frontier, where they victoriously stare over the border whilst mocking the Savoyards. Meanwhile, in order to replenished our diminished legions, Molinelli engages in an aggressive recruitment program across the entirety of the Republic, promising glory and fortune for those who serve the Republic and Freedom in the face of our great enemy.
A skilled monetary policy
Japan, a feudal state that once threatened to eclipse us goes bankrupt.

In peacetime.

With no rebellions or occupations.

Who's the Shogun's chief economist, Bernie Sanders?
The Congress of Rome
As Europe's authors look on in awe at our Republic and its fine defense, the Senate brings up the possibility of making Rome the diplomatic capital of the world. In particular, the failings of the Ottoman Empire - home to the men who once slew the Eastern Roman Empire as it was bedridden - seem to be an urgent issue that Europe has yet to reach a consensus on.

While the Empire remains at peace, the men in the Balkans continue to clamour for independence, and its stability - and the stability of all of Europe - is called into question.

Molinelli approves and issues the call for a Congress of Rome.
The Cyprus Convention
As Europe's attention begins to focus on the Ottoman Empire, France tries to buy the Cyprus, based on the current growth of the property market that will never stop and will always be sustainable.
wThe Second Roman Consul Elections (1876)
As the Fifth Roman Senate progresses, the term for the First Consul is drawing to an end. As the Republic prepares for the Congress of Berlin, Molinelli announces the beginning of the campaign season.

Under pressure from the Liberal Party, Molinelli, whose popularity has plummetted thanks to opposition slander - I mean, "investigative work" - decides not to seek re-election. Instead, the liberals field a well known author and prominent Senator from Rome, Carlo de Vitis. The Moderates, hold a brief primary across two weeks in June, where Cesare Grifeo, former Field Marshall and member of High Command during the war, is chosen as the nominee. The Socialists are unable to field Bernandus Sandio, as he died of a stroke after learning that the government financed the war effort by borrowing from the banks. They instead field a 33 year old Senator from Puglia and the youngest member of the Supreme Socialist Council, Generoso Primo.

The Republic enters the election season where, under the Liberals, they are running a debt roughly three times their coffers, a large spending deficit due to costs of reequipping the army and have implemented massive cuts to public education, administration and soldier compensation.

Moderate rhetoric focuses on foreign policy - Grifeo served briefly in the diplomatic corps of the Papal States after his retirement from the Army of God. The Moderates assure that they can secure an alliance with Austria-Hungary, end hostilities with Savoy and also promise greater funding for the military. Where this funding comes from, however, is mysterious.

The Socialists campaign, despite Primo's complaints, on economic goals, promising to reinject the economy with large government investment a Papal era practice that was abandoned by the free market capitalists in the Liberal Party.
The Congress Gambit
Aiming to prove his capability in foreign affairs, Molinelli announces his intention to push for a break up of the Ottoman Empire so as to bring to an end to constant crises in the region. This, he hopes, will allow the Republic to buy influence with the newly crafted states in the Balkans that will help end their diplomatic isolation.

Grifeo attacks this plan, because the ruling Consul is of a different party and it is quintessential to disagree with people of a different party, and accuses the Consul of "not knowing what he's doing".
Child Labour Debate
In order to boost the Moderate campaign for Consulship and distinguish themselves from the Socialists, the moderates spearhead an effort to introduce legislation to bring an end to child labour in the Republic. The Liberals, on the basis of wanting to minimize regulations, had instead proposed a "child tax", arguing that it would solve the problem most efficiently.

This allows the Moderates and Socialists to paint the Liberals as godless and heartless. A moderate-socialist join effort manages to pass the Grifeo Bill in August, in a move seen as a massive boost to the campaign. It also allows Grifeo to campaign as a champion of the moralistic religious cause.
The Gambit Fails
Molinelli hits the final nail in his own coffin as his plans for the ongress backfire, with Germany taking control of the conversation and rejecting Roman demands for a complete break up of the Ottoman Empire. His proposal merely serves to alienate the Republic even further, and the failure of his gambit is plastered in headlines across the nation.
The Empire Agrees
Incapacitated and incapable of resisting, much like the Liberal campaign, the Ottoman Empire agrees to German demands. Still, the Romans manage to pass off the event as a massive success of Roman diplomacy that proves how well Rome has established itself as a world power.
New countries! Be my friend
Molinelli rushes to the Balkans hoping to secure allies and build a small Roman sphere of influence. Meanwhile, however, the Austro-Hungarians are already considering turning Bosnia into a puppet state of the Empire.
Je maintiendrai!
Our drug fuelled friends over in Amsterdam agree to a formal alliance. Presently, Molinelli forges alliances with the understanding that France would be the ultimate enemy - he is fairly assured of Austro-Hungarian friendliness and regularly visits Vienna to guarantee the safety of the East. Hence, all border states would serve as extremely valuable allies - they would force France to commit troops to a second front, allowing us to overwhelm the divided armies in Italy and march to victory before they can return from defeating our allies.
Ah, kill me
Another Franco-Austrian War has broken out in the north. We're not sure which one this is. The third? Once again, Austria's attempts to annex Fiume has triggered a French response.

The war has a profound impact on the campaign season. With the Moderates having pushed for an alliance with Austria-Hungary, the war allows the Moderates to position themselves as the primary party standing up to French aggression. Carlo de Vitis speaks out against anti-French and Savoyard propaganda, claiming that such rhetoric damaged the standing of the Republic in the world. Instead, Rome should seek neutrality in all foreign affairs.
Sup Greeks!
Belgium Surrenders
Our "ally" to the North is defeated by the French, whilst in the south the Austro-Hungarians press on. High Command places close attention to the war, which appears to prove the value of having a French border state ally to "distract" French armies to allow for rapid gains in Savoy.
Into the 1870s
In the second last month before the end of the campaign season, Consul Molinelli announces a new program to loan money to farmers so as to allow them to upgrade their equipment in order to boost national productivity. This move is attacked by Grifeo (who espouses capitalist and pro-free market views), hurting him the polls, whilst the Socialists insist the move doesn't go far enough and is merely a token gesture.
The Second Roman Electoral Convention
The Roman elections used a system similar to the American Electoral College, because Romans enjoy broken institutions.

The final results of the elections are revealed - despite harsh attacks launched on the liberals, they maintain the popular vote by a landslide, with many farmers and peasants (whom the pollsters hadnt thought to survey before, and who read little of the anti-liberal propaganda) thanking them for the defense of the Republic.

Religion, it seems, dominated voter choice. The Restorationists, despite maintaining a negligible position in the Senate, have a strong religious following that shows up to vote. The moralist vote, unfortunately, was split between Restorationist candidate Theodosious Cruz and Moderate candidate Cesare Grifeo. At the convention, delegates assigned to vote for Cruz instead coalesce with the Moderate delegates, electing the second Roman Consul, Cesare Grifeo, stealing the election from the Liberals.

With their ability to count on a staunch religious backing, the Moderates are now set to dominate Roman politics.

The Socialists maintain their popularity among factory workers who espouse conservative views but enjoy Socialist promises of subsidies, and obtain similar results as in the First Roman Elections.
The Sixth Roman Senate
Molinelli willingly hands over power, though slightly bitter that his party advisors encouraged him not to run. As an ex-Consul, he receives the honorific Dominus. Dominus Molinelli, whilst pressured by some to run for a Senator position in Rome, decides to retire from public life.

Grifeo's first year takes on a completely different tone, focusing almost exclusively on foreign affairs. He kickstarts the conversation on the state of the Roman Navy, and begins to explain his colonial ambitions - a focus on east africa, which sees little competition from other states.

This, however requires massive naval build up.
Grifeo's child project
Huge sums of the Roman budget, strained as it is, are sunk into constructing ports and preparing for a mass expansion of the Roman fleet in order to prepare us for our move into the next decade.
Ah, what a Balance of Power
Meanwhile, as Grifeo continues to clamour for an alliance with Austria-Hungary, the Germans announce the Anglo-German Alliance, decided upon after Germany agreed to drop attempts to expand its navy.

The rest of the world gives up trying.
Polish Freedom
America sticks its nose where it doesn't belong, triggering a crisis over the state of Poland. Grifeo chooses to refrain from intervention.
The Socialist Crusade
Following their defeat in the previous election, the Supreme Social Council has considered adopting a more person-centered approach, utilizing their young, charismatic talent rather than an idealistic belief in the supremacy of their ideology. Socialist Senators begin aggressively pushing for greater workers' rights in order to set themselves up for a run in 1881.

The Minimum Wage Act of 1878 is passed in the 7th Roman Senate, doubling the minimum wage. It is passed through a cohesive Socialist ground campaign combined with intimidation of members of the moderate party.
Pragmatism trumps freedom
As the liberals clamour for Cesare to back Poland in order to spread freedom and perhaps gain an ally in the United States, the Consul is more dedicated to his campaign proposal advocating for an alliance with Austria-Hungary. Hoping to avoid war and further isolation at all costs, the Consul pledges his support to Russia in an attempt to tip the scales significantly against the United States.
The Napoli Integration Act
Tired of the existence of a Napoli culture separate and distinct from the Italian-Roman identity developed elsewhere in the Republic, Grifeo authorizes for strong assimilation methods targeted at eradicating the Napoli identity.

This, however, results in his party losing support in the southern provinces, allowing for the Socialist Party to swoop in, promising not to divide the Italians over "petty" personal agendas, and hence promising to preserve the Napoli identity as one among many Italian identities.
The Fourth Legion
In the years following the victory against the Savoyards, the idea of joining the Army as a solemn duty to the state and as a prestigious career path is promoted among the populace of the Republic. Hence, by the end of the 7th Roman Senate, Consul Grifeo has sufficient men to craft the Fourth Legion.

Grifeo continues to expand upon his colonialist policies, advocating for aggressive action to be taken against the Roman dependents in North Africa, in order to transform them in protectorates directly under Roman control.
The US Stands Down
Outraged by what they consider to be a betrayal of the values of the Roman Republic, the United States finds itself without allies on the continent and stands down, allowing the Russians to fully subjugate the revolutionaries and any hope for Polish freedom

Meanwhile, various Senators from Napoli states begin to attack Grifeo for his forced integration policies, creating an increasingly hostile political environment
Rubber treatment
As other European powers begin expeditions deeper into the Dark Continent, some find regions rich with rubber, a resource that stands to become very valuable. Naturally, Grifeo orders for a scientific expedition to be set up to investigate whether Egypt and Sudan have such valuable rubber resources.

If he can show the economic value in making Egypt and Sudan Roman protectorates, the Consul will easily be able to push through his agenda to usher in the Roman colonial era.
Savoy surrenders
Sufficiently beaten up by the armies of Austria-Hungary, the Kingdom of Savoy surrenders and agrees to exit the war. This leaves France alone in their attempts to guarantee the freedom of Fiume, which at this point is largely a convenient excuse to launch a dick-measuring contest between France and Austria every five years.

The Senators of the southern states, regardless of their party affiliation, form the Southern Coalition, aimed at blocking attempts by Grifeo - already seen in the less religious South as an election-stealer - from infringing upon province's rights any further.
Tyranny Falling!
The Spanish regime is overthrown in a shocking and sudden revolution, triggered after a member of the Royal family was found guilty of fraud. Having covertly supported the underground revolutionaries in Spain, Grifeo now hopes to secure their French border state ally that can guarantee their victory in all future wars.
The Napoli Revolution of 1879
Tired of what they see as Senatorial politics dominated by the north through electoral college shenanigans, rather than the main population centre in the South, the members of the Southern Coalition gather in the First Napoli Senate, where they unilaterally withdraw from the Roman Senate and declare themselves independent, thus triggering the Napoli Revolution.
Get rekt
The revolution is the first major challenge of the Grifeo administration, and suprisingly reignites the Nationalist vs Romanist debate, as Nationalists, across party lines, argue for a federal republic to replace the Roman Republic to guarantee the rights of all Italian provinces.

However, the now capable Roman Army quickly dispatches the Revolutionaries, who receive questionable support from local administration.

As a show of power, and in a move that greatly boosts Grifeo's popularity, the Consul holds a Triumph for the victory of the Republic even as several Revolutionary Armies remain standing to the south.
The Freedom Cause
The Spanish government, despite having received support from the Republic during their revolution, holds great contempt for Rome due to our contradictory positions on the future of North Africa - in particular, our ally Morocco.

We attempt to improve ties by pointing out our similarities, pointing at France and cowering in fear.
The Second Egyptian Revolution
If one nation has been more at odds with Rome more than any other, it would be Savoy. But if one primitive collection of peoples that can barely be called a state, let alone a nation, have been more at odds with Rome than any other, it would be Egypt.

The Ninth Roman Senate opens up with much greater support for Grifeo's foreign policy, allowing him to pursue aggressive action against our North African partners.

Grifeo suggests integrating Egypt and Sudan (among other North African states) into the first ever Protectorates of the Roman Republic - thus beginning our colonial presence in the region.

This, however, triggers the Egyptians to bomb our embassy and expel our nationals, and the Sultan declares war on the Roman Republic.

Cairo must be destroyed.
The future of Morocco
As the Ninth Roman Senate moves into the summer, the debate now rages on with regards to Morocco. Grifeo supports an annexation of Morocco and Tunis to protect it against French expansionist attempts that have started since the Congress of Berlin that we apparently didn't attend.

The Senate, however, which needs to approve any annexations of territory, disagrees. In particular, the Liberals and Socialists, seeking not to upset the Spanish, block Grifeo's attempts, and Morocco walks free another day, its safety guaranteed by the Republic but its independence also certain.

(I misclicked on this decision and didnt notice in time to reset from last autosave without losing other progress)
Into Egypt!
In May, our troops of the Third Legion arrive in Egypt, landing in the French port of Alexandretta and then heading south into the major population centre of Egypt.

Grifeo, who is well aware that colonial wars tends to be unpopular if they drag on, having been involved in wars in Egypt himself, plans to end the war before the end of the year. He signs off on allowing another legion into Egypt.
A Foreign Policy Coup!
After having been assured of the plans of operation in Egypt, Grifeo turns north to fulfill his other major campaign promise, an alliance with Austria-Hungary.

Aware that the Anglo-German Alliance and the termination of numerous Austrian alliances have left the state diplomatically isolated, Grifeo believes that the Austrians will not refuse the Roman call.

The Pact of Vienna is signed in June, and will go on to be the biggest victory of Grifeo's term.

Meanwhile, this is all before the truce placed after the First Savoyard-Roman War ended, and it immediately triggers escalatory rhetoric from Savoy.
The Battle of Cairo
Decorated Roman General Nicola Filangieri Francicus Maximus, Hero of Rome, leads the expedition to victory in Cairo, and cuts off all major routes to the city within a week.

Filangieri meanwhile has the next legion occupy the remnants of the heart of Egypt.

Back in Italy, Savoy begins a large scale military build up with the border. Grifeo plays this to his advantage, aware of the upcoming elections, and resorts to scare tactics.
The Third Roman Consul Elections (1881)
A Roman Consul may serve, at max, as leader five Roman Senates before he must call for elections. As the Tenth Roman Senate begins in 1881, Grifeo calls for early elections, hoping to secure another term based off fearful rhetoric before the Savoyards can de-escalate the situation.

Genoroso Primo once again is selected by the Supreme Socialist Council to lead the Socialist Party. Analyzing their previous defeat, they decide to give Primo greater freedom in choosing how he runs. He intends to run on a platform of redistributing wealth and promoting the rights of the Southern provinces. Furthermore, hoping to court evangelical voters that carried Grifeo to power, he makes religion and moralism a central part of his campaign.

The Liberals field staunch nationalist Rufino Sinisi, who was a prominent member of the Unification Front's propaganda wing in the days of the Papal States. With, this they hope to play to the sentiments of the South. Unlike the Socialists, Rufino hopes to avoid the question of his secularism.

Meanwhile, the war in Egypt has failed to conclude, but the Hero of Rome Filangieri hopes to have it conclude before the end of the elections, under pressure from Grifeo to prevent it from becoming a major campaign issue should the popularity of the war drop.
Hahaha, no
In a move that shakes Grifeo's status as a master of foreign policy, Grifeo refuses to act when Tunis is attacked and invaded by the French in early 1881. This prompts alarm from Morocco and Algeria, both North African partners, who distrust us and our credibility.

Once a confident waltz into the Consulship, Grifeo is attacked for being weak.
The Minimum Wage Act of 1881
Yet again, the Socialists use campaign season to their advantage. As wealth redistribution becomes an increasingly important point for Roman voters, the Socialists manage to push through an act increasing the minimum age by 25%, courting Moderate Senators who seek re-election.

Grifeo, aware of public support for minimum wage reforms, avoids attacking Moderate Senators who voted against the party's interests. He begins to develop his platform as a "pragmatic middle-ground" between the extremist view on economics his competitors take, but largely attempts to dodge the income inequality complaints in order to focus on religion and foreign policy.

Unfortunately, this may not be a year where Roman voters, now assured of their safety following the Pact of Vienna, are concerned about foreign policy.
To Arms, Citizens! Form your battalions!
Foreign policy is always good kids.

With half the Roman army still fighting in Egypt, and winter beginning to come to an end, the Kingdom of Savoy decides to strike whilst the Romans have their pants down. They manufacture a controversy, in January, regarding the expulsion of Savoyards working in Romagna. The French declare war in accordance with their alliance, and the Pact of Vienna is triggered, and Austria-Hungary declares war.

The declaration of war throws in the campaign season into chaos, effectively negating the importance of all policies besides "how do we not die to France". Grifeo is encouraged by the Senate to assume the title of Dictator for the duration of the war. Not wanting to suspend a campaign season, Grifeo declines.
Aegyptus Restored
With the declaration of war, Grifeo sends a message to General Filangieri to return to Rome immediately with both legions. Filangieri concludes his Egyptian campaign, agreeing to let the Sultan and local lords of Sudan stay in power, but under the Roman boot, and sets to returning to Italy.

Defense of the Republic, our Brothers in Arms
Grifeo immediately announces the mobilization of our reserves. Just as before, Rome will not surrender without a fight. To Arms!

He focuses his initial efforts on protecting Romagna and Rome from falling, buying time for the two legions to arrive from Egypt.

Meanwhile, the Austro-Hungarians are near guaranteed to be victorious in the initial stages of fighting, before the French armies can arrive en masse. If both our Austrian brothers and ourselves have our armies in Savoy before the French machine kicks into full gear, we may stand a chance to eek out a white peace.

But as it stands, we are still vastly outgunned, even with Austro-Hungarian help.

But the people of the Roman Republic will never surrender.
The Battle of Bologna
Without our most Esteemed General, who is busy navigating around the Pyramids and trying not to loot anything on his way back, our casualties are higher than expected.

With our smaller manpower base, we cannot afford similar casualties as the enemy.
French Offensive
Whilst Bologna prevented Ravenna from being hit by a pincer attack, it also left our armies demoralized and disorganized, which is immediately observed by the French who attack us before we can set up significant barricades.
The roll of the die?
The French arrive with significantly more cavalry than we have, probably something of tradition. This results in their infantry attacks being weaker than expected, allowing us to blow through the front line of their position, and leaving the artillery exposed.

General Torlonia orders an infantry charge directly into the exposed artillery units, destroying them and seemingly clinching victory.
The Backfire
To the north, the French advance into Austria-Hungary, forcing them to pull back some troops. Other divisions are locked in battle, leaving much of our northern frontier open, allowing troops to pour in South.

Rome is now directly threatened by a Savoyard attack, only defended by men from the farms and fields who answered the call to arms.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Party's campaign sinks when they attack Grifeo for mobilizing. They are seen now as cowards and traitors - the decision to mobilize is very popular among Roman voters, many of whom take up arms to defend the Grand Republic.

Meanwhile, as our infantry attempt to charge down Savoyard positions, the enemy is bolstered by massive numbers of reinforcements pouring through the open northern front. With the situation bleak, the general orders a retreat. In order to let our artillery units escape from the open field battle, many of our nation's finest men die in the fields of Bologna. The remnants flee to Ravenna, where they struggle to regroup.
Save Rome!
The Roman Third Legion arrives on the shores of the Roman Republic, but they do not carry Filaingieri, who has stayed behind to seize the French Northern Coast.

Meanwhile, urgent messages are sent from Rome, calling all units to the city. The Savoyard army has begun surrounding it, and a siege is set to begin

The remnants of the army at Bologna, weakened and broken, march to Rome. Food is rushed into the city from all across the Republic, with many citizens donating their life's savings in the hope of securing sufficient resources for the battle and a potential upcoming siege. As their lives once more threaten to collapse upon them, the Citizens of Rome do not complain. For there is nothing greater than to die for the Republic.

The weakened legion groups up with the Roman People's Army, consisting of reserve forces who will bolster the infantry divisions diminished from Bologna. The legion from Egypt joins them soon after.

Normally, High Command would appoint General Colonna, who fought in Bologna and led the march back to Rome, as leader of the army. But there is doubt about his capability after his questionable decisions in that battle. But, as the attack on Rome needs to urgently be relieved, they cannot afford to wait for the arrival of other commanders.

Fleeing from occupied Ravenna, a sixty year old man with military experience volunteers himself to high command for the cause.

Giulio Molinelli will not desert Rome in its hour of need.
The Battle of Rome
In an epic battle on the open field, the Romans arrange themselves in a massive line, with artillery defended by infantry units. The Savoyards are drenched in hellfire from above, as they do not have artillery support themselves. With their army comprised mostly of undisciplined peasants who have little personal stake in destroying the Roman Republic, all hell breaks lose and they disperse from their formation. This allows Molinelli, who is out for blood, to order the infantry to charge and hunt down all remaining survivors.

The Savoyards are cut down and their army is destroyed - the fields outside Rome are stained red, and the heads of those killed are cut off and placed on pikes by citizens of Rome, as a warning to those who seek to attack the heart of the Republic.

The attack on the city is repelled for now, and as Molinelli returns to within the city for the night, he receives that hero's welcome he expected so many years ago.
The Corsican Revolution
With French troops tied up fighting the Austro-Hungarians, the Corsican revolutionaries liberate the isle from French rule.

Meanwhile, Molinelli is now placed in charge of defense of Italy pending the return of Nicola Filangieri. He immediately turns to the east to defeat a marauding army at Ancona, leaving numerous towns and cities occupied, and a path to Rome clear for any future Savoyard attacks.
The Battle of Ancona
Dominus Molinelli defeats the army in Ancona. Meanwhile, the Savoyards once more have begun surrounding Rome. Calls for help are sent, and Molinelli turns around.
An All-Star!
Nicola Filangieri arrives with the last legion of the Roman Army. He is instructed by High Command to lead the liberation charge north. Meanwhile, Dominus Molinelli leads to attack on Rome's besiegers once more, lifting the siege and preventing the Eternal City from falling to Savoyard hands.
Throw it across the walls!
A mummy is found in Egypt, and immediately sent to Italy to be used as an artillery shell, as we're running out of that stuff.
Filangieri meets his match
General Filangieri is caught off guard when he is attacked in Perugia by a French reservist army. Not capable in leading in difficult defensive positions, he flounders a bit before numerical and compositional supremacy allow for his victory.

The Dominus heads south to hunt down the Savoyard units who fled the battle outside Rome to Gaeta, where they being reinforced by the French Navy.
The Anti-Colonial League
The Socialists fund an Anti-Colonial league to disparage the policies of Consul Grifeo even though the Socialist candidate himself appears to approve of the actions in eastern africa. This results in a scandal, especially during a time as critical as this, where the northern portion of the Republic remains under occupation, tanking his poll numbers.

The Liberal Party makes a campaign resurgence as Molinelli restores its pride and honour on the field of battle.
Risk Manamegent
High Command becomes experienced with risk management as we continue to head on north in the war.
The Roman Elections
Due to the occupation of portions of the Republic, not everyone is capable of voting in the elections. Grifeo, however, has the final say. He forces the elections through.

With the liberal north being unable to vote, the Moderates pull off a victory solely by themselves - allowing them to cast off the chains of the alliance with the Restorationist Party. The Socialists, with their powerbase in the south, hold on considerably well, whereas the liberals face a disastrous defeat.
The Battle of Perugia
The remnants of Romagna are liberated by the Austro-Hungarian Army. The Austrians struggle to hold the front against combined French and Savoyard attacks. Seeing that the divided Austro-Hungarian armies are susceptible to attack, Molinelli heads north where a large French army crossing Romagna into Austria-Hungary is engaged, tying it down and buying time for the Austrians to regroup.

The French, desperate to end the war as quickly as possible now that public support has plummetted, plans for a large attack on Perugia to open the way to Rome. From here, the force can easily capture the undefended city and then try to talk the Senate into handing over Romagna.

Outnumbered 3:1, the Francicus Maximus fends off the French once more.
The Colours are burning
In Ferrara, the battle begins to swing against the French. With their attempts to take Romagna or Rome both foiled, and with over three hundred thousand Frenchmen dead in the fields of Italy, France is weary. And as the attack on Perugia is repelled, the Roman Army is poised to begin moving north into Savoy, where no doubt they will seek the destruction of the Savoyard state.

Furthermore, they are afraid for their forces stranded deep in Austro-Hungarian territories where supply lines are being cut off by the Austro-Hungarian Army.

Ultimately, France calls for a ceasefire. Delegates from Rome, Austria-Hungary, Savoy and France agree to restore the status quo ante bellum. This, however, leaves the ownership of Romagna in a contentious position, as the Savoyards refuse to drop their claim.

As Grifeo delivers the news to his people outside the Senate building, cheers for the Roman Republic emerge from the crowd. Once more the Republic has been cast into war and chaos, under attack from tyrants who seek nothing more than subversion of our liberties. Once more we have prevailed.

And through it all, the Roman people, who have seen occupation and hardship, have refused to give up even as all hope seemed lost.

For we are a Republic born in fire, and we will die in fire.

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

God Wills It - A HPM Roman AAR - Part 8

Images: 56, author: ElvenAshwin, published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

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Game: Crusader Kings II

Romania Ascendant, Chapter 1: Emperor Baldwin I "the Holy"

Images: 16, author: inocomprendo, published: 2018-06-08, edited: 2018-07-04