Rise of the Sun of May - Part 9: Loss (1882-1886)

Author: deadpoetic31
Published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

Rise of the Sun of May

Previous part:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - Part 8: Constitutionality  (1877-1882)

Images: 77, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-02-03, edited: 1970-01-01

As Chileans cross the border, Balcarce and Santos move for the invasion force. The plan is to quickly knock the Chileans out before the bastard Americans arrive. Time is ticking very, very fast however, as the Brazilians just allowed them military access. Shit.
However, there is still an election happening! Miguel Juárez Celman (Autonomista Nacional) and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (Partido Liberal) both have similar views to citizenship, and easily win the debate for their respective parties.
We miss the Chileans by just a few days, they head further south now.
In the north, the Paraguayans and several reserve groups work on chipping away the defence.
Our forces attempt to catch the Chileans in the south, but they are leading us on a goose chase. Meanwhile, the Americans have already marched a 41,000 man army into Paraná.
God dammit.
Balcarce finally engages the Chileans in the south without the assistance of reserves. The battle seems to be doing good so far.
Nevermind, shit.
The election finally comes to a close. Celman's economic ineptness and bad reputation as Governor of Buenos Aires proved to be his downfall. The people of Buenos Aires, with no Conservatives to back, end up choosing Paz, who is known in the province for assisting the various cholera outbreaks with his charities and also running a solid newspaper. Also, Entre Rios couldn't vote this election due to American occupation and blocking of any such activities.
However, the overall winner is former Rosas critic Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who will now serve the daughter of the man he hated. The 4th Prime Minister takes office in August.
An absolutely humiliating defeat. The Queen tries to comfort the populace in a speech but the war seems just about over by now. (Also i'm completely taken aback- how did this happen?)
Another overthrow in Bolivia- this time Reactionary oOOOooo.
When 74,000 Americans are occupying within one province of Buenos Aires, I think this is sadly pretty much over. (How the hell did they get troops down here so fast- it was all by land)
The reserves try to engage the remaining and weakened Chilean army but it appears God still hates us.
On September 28th 1882, Americans move into Buenos Aires. Prime Minister Sarmiento has no choice but to end the suffering and cut the losses short.
Everyone hates the god damn Chileans.
Searching for Great Power allies to prevent this situation again, Sarmiento begins talks with the Netherlands.
The 'army' returns to Buenos Aires. A shell of it's former self.
Voting rallies are held to return the Monarchy to full constitutionality. Sarmiento allows them and the Queen even supports them.
Violence in the streets of Buenos Aires as several thousand Reactionary supporters demand their party be returned to Parliament.
Suprise, suprise, more trouble in Bolivia. The Argentine government begins to doubt the Bolivians ability to properly handle themselves or even treat their people fairly.
More official Uruguayan coring.
Apparently bars are causing poverty. Heh *belch*.
This begins our crisis of armies with populaces that can't support them anymore. We need more soldiers!
So much fuss about alcohols and bars these days. Protesters get out!
The Argentine Parliament of 1884 is assembled. Not many changes from the last one other than the removal of a seat due to population change in the south. This is also the last Parliament of the Reactionary-Radical Ban.
Bloody Chileans are building shit on our rightful turf AAAAAAAAHHHHHH11!!!
By March, the clothes factory in Entre Rios clothe-ses.
The colony is taken advantage of in light of a need for more soldiers.
They are quickly trained.
And moved to join the main army!
In November, the naval base in Calabar is completed.
Meanwhile the British are going ham as per ushe.
In February, Sweden (of all countries) is granted the Congo after the Swedish King pushed for it.
More rebels in Bolivia. This is getting ridiculous. Calls from Parliament suggest breaking the Bolivian alliance or even interfering in the situation.
By the way, Colombia has gained Panama back. We hope to have similar success in Patagonia.
Screw the power hungry assholes.
In April, Sarmiento complies with Parliamentary calls to break the alliance with Bolivia. He is later pressed by his own party (who are trying to make a new identity as 'patriotic') to look into interfering. Perhaps Argentine control can benefit some parts of Bolivia...
Saloon shmacloon.
In September, still seeking as much defense as possible, Sarmiento meets with President and fellow Liberal Rafael Núñez Moledo in Bogotá. An alliance is restored between the nations once again!
A look at the political relations situation.
Guards are ordered in Buenos Aires to further expand our forces. After the stunning defeat, Balcarce doesn't want to take chances in the future.
Addressing a crowd in Buenos Aires, Sarmiento incites cheers when he announces intervention in Bolivia. The people agree- freedom and peace for Bolivians!
*snap* *snap* Scienceeeeeee boyyyyyyyyyyyys
The troops move to the Bolivian border, prepared for war.
The Argentine Parliament of 1886 is assembled. With the Reactionary-Radical Ban over, they return to Parliament. The Radicals are taken under the Liberal's wing whilst the Reactionaries are left in the cold to to no one wanting to back the most volatile and violent force in the Parliament. Also, this marks the first time in Argentine history (both from Parliament and the former Senate) that the Conservatives do not hold the most seats. In fact, the public outrage at the Chilean war (which was placed on the Roca administration before he left office) brought the Conservatives all the way to 3rd.
In January, the Liberals champion and manage to pass reform to the school system.
The capital fort in Buenos Aires is allocated funds for upgrade as well as the fort in Córdoba.
On March 30th, Sarmiento officially declares war on Bolivia. The starting goal is to retake the former Argentine province of Tarija, but suggestions for further expansion is pushed around Parliament.

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - Part 10: The Bolivian Intervention  (1886-1890)

Images: 59, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-02-09, edited: 1970-01-01

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