A Communist Germany AAR

Published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

A Communist Germany AAR

German 1933 elections
The German 1933 elections are coming. This election will be highly contested with multiple parties aiming for control over the Reichstag.
Nazi Party
On one hand, we have the NSDAP or Nazi party led by power hungry Fascists.
KPD Party
And on the other hand we have our party, the KPD led by internationalists who wish to overthrow the Capitalist system.
KPD headquarters
From our headquarters in the heart of Berlin, we await the oncoming elections.
The day before the German elections.
Germany is on the brink of collapse as Communists and Nazis fight in the streets. However with support split evenly between the communist KPD, the Fascist NSDAP and the democratic SPD, it is unlikely any party will come out with an easy majority.
KPD parade
Our supporters are on the streets of Berlin promoting our party leader Ernst Thalmänn, a great man and supporter of Stalinism.
Nazis outside our HQ
The Nazis attempt to intimidate us within our very own headquarters by gathering outside. Loyal KPD crowds manage to keep them at bay.
The election
The day of the elections. As expected, street fighting broke out all across Germany between Communists and Nazis. After a long day, the results were announced: The NSDAP came out of the election with the most votes; however they lack the numbers to form a majority government. We retained significant support and the SPD lost many voters to us. As a result of this no one has a majority needed to take control of the country. New elections may need to be called if a coalition cannot be formed.
SA rebel
The Nazis were unable to form a coalition with any of the other parties. Hitler declared the end of his attempt to gain power through legal means and instead stated that he would seize power in the republic by force. SA forces spring into rebellion across Bavaria as he attempts to launch another Putsch. Landshut quickly falls to the SA and military garrisons in Munich, Stuttgart and Nuremburg come under attack.
Coalition formed and purging
The SPD agree to temporarily join a coalition to stop Germany falling into chaos due to this rebellion, giving us a majority in the Reichstag.To stop the army defecting to the rebels, we immediately dismiss officers in the army which we have deemed unreliable.
A new Regime
The following morning we cement our rule. The SPD is forcibly merged with the KPD and all other parties including the Nazi party are declared illegal. There are however a large number of factions within our own party aiming for control, including Socialists, Trotskyists and Leninists.
A new Republic
We decide to give our new revolutionary republic a fitting name. Germany shall now be called the “German Worker’s Republic” or the DAR.
The state of government in our new republic. We changed the German tricolour to include a coat of arms to symbolise the beginning of a new era. The Stalinist faction rules the country with Ernst Thalmänn holding supreme power and President Ludwig Renn being nothing more than a puppet President.
We begin our research as well. In particular we focus on tanks which we see as the future of warfare. Some research is also allocated to rocket development, aircraft and carriers.
A "re-education" policy is rolled out across the parts of Germany we still control. It is hoped that this will build class consciousness and foster loyalty to both socialism and the new regime within Germany.
We increase our education budget which should make education more accessible to poorer Germans
Health care
The healthcare budget is also increased. This should make healthcare more affordable to the population.
Security forces
Finally our police force also receives more funding. This should keep dissent down and reduce corruption.
Social reform
To increase loyalty to the regime and also reduce worker exploitation, we introduce a substantially higher minimum wage.
Taxes are also cut. Hopefully we will make up the shortfall of income by seizing production from the capitalists. These reforms mark our first transition into Socialism!
The state of production within Germany. We halt production of Weimar warships to focus on consumer good production. This will reduce dissent and bring us further income.
First victory
The army reports massive success in Bavaria. 3300 SA rebels are killed in Nuremburg restoring control over the province back to the government.
Munich combat
SA rebels are outnumbered and surrounded in Munich. However substantial numbers of Nazis are able to escape Munich into the surrounding countryside where many are believed to have crossed into the sympathetic Austria including the bulk of the NSDAP’s leadership. We must be weary of a counterrevolution coming from that direction from now on.
A second revolution!
Seeing the successful establishment of a Communist regime within Germany, Stalin offers us an alliance against the Western powers. While the Stalinist Faction of the KPD obviously supports an alliance, the Socialists and Trotskyists fear this could lead to Soviet domination in Germany which will inevitably lead to Germany becoming a totalitarian degenerate Worker’s state. With the bulk of the party and the army on side, the Stalinists are expelled from the KPD and a new Fourth International is declared. This naturally outraged the Soviets and ended their support of our state.
1st April: The Stalinists flee!
The following morning Thalmänn and other Stalinists flee Germany out of fear of assassination. With the resignation of Ludwig Renn, a new President is required. Several potential party chairmen come forwards and the KPD settles on Ernst Toller, a popular writer which should boost support for the party.
New government
Our new government is a coalition of Trotskyist and Socialist factions under the politically neutral Toller. With the removal of the Stalinists, Germany becomes much less repressive and plans are put in place to carry out a proper general election later on.
Civil war ended
In early April the Nazis are finally expelled from Bavaria with 2300 survivors surrendering to government forces. The remainder flee into Austria.
Trotsky visits
With the stabilisation of Germany, Trotsky decided to visit our nation. Trotsky is welcomed and given asylum to protect him from any potential Soviet assassins. We hope this will legitimise the new Fourth International. This has however further strained our relationship with the USSR.
One month of Communism
It has been just over one month since the KPD came to power. We have saved Germany from complete collapse and established Europe’s second Socialist state. Dissent against our rule remains high however and we are wedged between the Capitalist powers and the hostile Soviet Union. It won’t be too long before some kind of counter revolution is launched, so we must secure our rule.
Loan taken
We will first deal with internal opposition to our rule. First we take out a loan.
Recovery policy
Using half of this money we begin an economic recovery program which should help reduce Germany’s rampant unemployment. Many attempts at achieving Socialism in the past failed when industries were seized from the Capitalists leading to the collapse of the economy. To avoid this fate, we will first create a strong economy with the help of the Capitalists then slowly transition to giving the workers the means of production.
The other half of the loan is used to create jobs via labour intensive work programs. This should bring us a great amount of support from the unemployed masses, even ones which previously supported the NSDAP. This should prevent a counter revolution from within our own country.
Rearming Germany
For our first year’s budget we decide to leave the Capitalists in place and begin to rebuild our army which is essential to prevent a counter revolution from abroad. This is unpopular with the German people, the trade unions who were expecting appropriations of industries and the Western powers. This is however a necessary step to securing Germany.
Stabilisation and production
With Germany becoming a bit more stable, we resume construction of Weimar warships and also begin upgrading our existing army’s equipment.
Cruiser complete
A Month later the first Weimar heavy cruiser is complete. This new ship marks the beginning of our attempt to form a respectable navy.
Reoccupy the Rhineland
In July we decide to carry out our first show of force by reoccupying the Rhineland which was prohibited by the Versailles treaty. If successful this will massively boost support from the population as well as also bringing the industrial heartland of Germany under our full control. Worst case scenario France could retaliate meaning we would have to withdraw again from the Rhineland as we are in no state to fight France.
Reoccupy the Rhineland
Fortunately our forces enter the Rhineland without conflict with the French, who fear Soviet intervention. Thinking we still have Soviet support, it appears that our schism with the Soviets hasn’t been detected by the Western powers yet.
Gearing for war
Unfortunately this reoccupation appears to have scared the allies a little too much as they begin rearming. Belgium leaving the allies is an unexpected surprise however, as this means Belgium will almost definitely refuse to fortify its borders with us.
1st August: Rearming Germany continues
Not wanting to fall behind on rearming, we introduce a 1 year mandatory service in the army. This is again unpopular with the population but this should further reduce unemployment.
Italian aggression
Worryingly we catch individuals trying to perform sabotage in one of our factories. Under interrogation, they are revealed to be former Nazis funded by the Fascist Italians to the south.
Rearming and rocket research
Using our new conscripts, we begin training 9 new infantry divisions. This goes against Versailles but after the Rhineland it seems unlikely that the Western powers will move to oppose us. We also begin construction of a rocket test site in Rostock which should allow for further research into rocketry.
The start of a new year
The start of a new year in Germany. We have successfully eliminated most internal dissent against our rule and legitimised our regime in the eyes of the people. Our aim for the next year is to further rebuild our army, increase our government's support and hopefully gain some allies in Europe or elsewhere.

Next chapter:

Game: Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

A Communist Germany AAR: Part 2

Images: 55, author: Bluntforce9001, published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

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