A Communist Germany AAR: Part 10

Published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

A Communist Germany AAR

Previous part:

Game: Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

A Communist Germany AAR: Part 9

Images: 56, author: Bluntforce9001, published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

A Communist Germany AAR: Part 10
In which we continue our quest in creating a Socialist World Republic
Our five carriers have almost finished being built. To our knowledge, no other major power is as invested in Aircraft Carriers as we are. When completed, these ships will allow us to defeat the Royal navy which will allow us to pull off an invasion of the British Isles.
British Socialists
In Britain itself, Communism has widespread support and many members of the British Proletariat resent their government for their continued war with the International. They have been arming themselves for some time and it is likely that a mass armed rebellion will take place soon. If we can weaken the British Empire enough, the British Communists will feel confident enough to launch a revolution.
French Socialists
We also recently liberated France from the shackles of Capitalism. Socialism has been received incredibly well by the French Worker’s and it is probable that the French Worker’s Republic will become a leading member of the International. Their country is still unstable however. As long as the old French Government still remains in exile, many Frenchmen will never accept Socialist rule.
State of Europe
We have almost complete control over the Mediterranean with just the West and the East under Capitalist control. While our carriers are being built, we will prioritise securing the Mediterranean. We have built up a large number of units on the border with Greece in preparation for their liberation. That begins now.
Greek war
The International declares war on Greece, an authoritarian monarchic state. From this point on, we will be declaring war on many self proclaimed “neutral” states... But how can they be neutral if they continue to oppress the International working class? We cannot ignore the systematic oppression of workers in “neutral” countries hence they must be liberated. Other nations will likely use this for propaganda against our organisation but we know that we’re on the right side of history...
Greek war
Greek border defences are weak and are easily breached by our mechanised forces. We expect to reach Athens in a matter of days.
Carriers finished
On the 12th December our Carriers are finally completed. These will be the key to not just liberating Britain, but also the whole world outside Europe. We won’t begin the liberation of the UK just yet as we want to first fully secure the Mediterranean. Once the ships have organised themselves they will begin sailing to the Mediterranean to provide fire support.
Greek war
Our motorised infantry reach Athens in under a week. The defending garrisons are heavily demoralised and acknowledge the futility of their defence.
Greek war
With the country collapsing the Greek government makes one final decision; to transfer Crete to the British government to prevent it falling under Socialist control. With this order successfully carried out, the Greek Government surrenders to the International.
Greek liberation
We immediately liberate the new Democratic Republic of Greece. Following our policy of securing the Mediterranean, we will begin preparing our army for the liberation of Turkey.
Attacking Malta
The start of a new year, 1944. With our Carrier fleet in the Mediterranean, we feel confident that we can storm the British fortress in Malta. Malta is an incredibly important strategic point for the British Empire and its fall could drastically weaken the Empire’s control of the Middle East and Africa.
Attacking Malta
A single British garrison division has been assigned to protect Malta, meaning our troops should be able to quickly secure the islands. Our main fleet will provide fire support once it is in position which should further tip the odds in our favour. Only a surprise appearance from the Royal Navy can save Malta now!
Syrian defection
Meanwhile in the Middle East, Syria and the Lebanon have defected to the Arabian People’s Republic from their French Colonial masters. With the French almost completely defeated, it makes little sense for Colonial garrisons to defend the crumbling wreck.
Turkish war
With our armies in position, we declare war on Turkey. We suspect that the Turkish state will collapse once we capture the country’s two largest cities Ankara and Istanbul. Due to this, we will drive straight through Istanbul towards Ankara.
Turkish war
Surprising the Turks we take Istanbul by storm. Crossing the Bosphorus could be a challenge however and we may need to wait until our Soviet comrades draw enemy divisions away in the East.
Turkish war
Istanbul is secured on the 26th January and the International Red Flag flies over the Hagia Sophia.
Turkish war
There were fewer enemy troops on the other side of the Bosphorus than expected, meaning we were able to quickly advance through Western Anatolia. On the 6th February, Ankara fell to our army.
Turkish war
Turkey falls under German occupation. We will not liberate Turkey just yet as we first want to secure the south eastern border.
Failings of Empire
One week later we receive startling news from South America; that the British Colony of Guyana had fallen to communist revolutionaries and declared independence from the Empire! This makes Guyana the first Socialist country in South America and the second one in Latin America after Mexico. Needless to say only members of the International recognise the new government.
Failings of Empire
The following day Iraq defects from the British Empire to the Arabian People’s Republic. A revolutionary wave is spreading across the globe, causing previously exploited colonies to throw off their shackles and join the International, in our fight against Imperialism. Hopefully this wave will continue to provoke similar rebellions across the Empire which will weaken it drastically.
Turkish liberation
After Iraq’s defection the Turkish south Eastern border has been “secured” meaning we feel confident in liberating the Socialist Republic of Turkey. Fortunately little infrastructure was damaged in the war so the Turkish recovery should be swift.
Egypt falling
The Arabs have had great success in attacking Egypt. Cairo and Alexandria have both been liberated and it seems that Egypt’s annexation is inevitable. They are steadily making their way towards Suez which when captured will decapitate the British Empire, spelling the end of their oppressive Empire.
Egypt falling
Egypt is officially annexed at the start of March connecting the two halves of the Arabian People’s Republic. All the aid we gave the Arabs many years ago has clearly paid off and now they are a modern, Socialist State.
Suez captured
And in the following days, our motorised infantry finally secure the length of the Suez Canal. With this, the Mediterranean has been brought under almost complete International control, other than Malta and parts of French Morocco. Reports indicate that the fall of Suez shocked the British Populace and dissent against the Capitalist Government is higher than ever.
New tanks
Most of our army is still in Germany and is being prepared for the Liberation of Britain. Our armoured divisions have been equipped with our latest medium tank the Panzer Five or “Panther” which has succeeded the Panzer Four. This new tank is almost definitely the most advanced tank design in the world meaning it will play a crucial role in liberating Britain and possibly the USA. Its rushed production has meant that it is rather... unreliable but we think we’ll be able to iron the flaws out.
Malta siege
Some South African ships attempted to sneakily reinforce the British defences at Malta which are on the verge of being overrun however our Carrier fleet successfully destroyed the intruders before they landed. Around 13,000 South African men were lost at sea, making this one of the largest naval disasters in history.
Malta siege
Malta falls in mid March as the 7,000 remaining defenders surrender to our International.
Malta siege
Malta’s fall provokes similar reactions in Britain to the loss of the Suez Canal. It is becoming clear that the British Empire’s days are limited.
With the entire Balkans under International control, we feel ready to begin our first major experiment in fostering Internationalism among our member states; unifying the Balkans into one single Federal State. Some may call us ambitious, others delusional but since Internationalism and Unity is the future of mankind we should begin unifying states in preparation for an eventual Socialist World Republic in the far future.
Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Greece and Bulgaria all agree to our proposal and unify into the Balkan Socialist Federal Republic. It will be difficult for our comrades to keep such a diverse state together, but if they are successful it will prove that Internationalist, Multicultural states can work.
Experimental new tanks
Our scientists have finished testing of the so called “super heavy tanks” and they are ready for production. We are always open to innovative technologies so we begin build a new tank corps equipped with these vehicles. Perhaps they will see use in breaching American defences on the US mainland...?
Cyprus captured
Our divisions successfully capture Cyprus with British interference. Only a few outposts on the Mediterranean remain...
On the way back from capturing Malta our Carrier fleet is ambushed by “Free” French Submarines.
The French Submarines successfully inflict substantial damage on our fleet which will put it out of action for some time, delaying the invasion of Britain yet again... Fortunately we were able to sink a number of the Submarines which the French won’t be able to replace.
British dissent
Informants in Britain report an increasingly chaotic atmosphere throughout the country. Many capitalists are fleeing the country for Canada and there are even rumours that the Royal Family will soon evacuate. Our British comrades are yearning for liberation...
The Mediterranean is finally under our full control after just five months. While our fleet recovers from the French ambush we might as well finish liberating the Middle East and the European mainland, meaning it is time for Portugal and Arabia to face our righteous Red Terror.
Saudi war
We declare war on Saudi Arabia in late May. The Saudi army is incredibly weak so our forces can essentially drive straight towards the Saudi Capital without conflict.
Portugese war
Likewise we also declare war on Portugal which lacks an adequate army. The Portuguese are surrounded and their colonies will soon be liberated by the International.
Portugese war
Within just three days 20,000 Portuguese men have surrendered and our army is knocking on the door to Lisbon.
Portugese war
The two Portuguese divisions protecting Lisbon stand no chance. Our new Panther tanks are indestructible and our assault rifles allow one German soldier to outgun a Portuguese squad. The presence of our rail guns further demoralise the enemy.
Portugese war
Acknowledging the futility of resisting, Lisbon surrenders to our siege. With Portugal liberated, all of mainland Europe has been liberated. Once Scandinavia and the British Isles have been secured we can shift our attention across the Atlantic...
Saudi war
Our motorised infantry drive through Arabia fighting off the hot desert sun. With the capture of Mecca and Riyadh, the Saudis will be forced to give up power, ending their totalitarian monarchy.
Saudi war
Mecca is secured at the end of June though our troops never actually enter the city. Instead, our Arab comrades will handle the occupation of Mecca. The last thing we would want is to outrage the entire global Muslim community by storming into Mecca. Our infantry instead bypass Mecca for Yemen further south.
Free French losing Africa
The French have almost completely lost control over Morocco forcing them to relocate their government in exile further south. Our Arab comrades have almost liberated all of the Muslim World in Africa and the Middle East.
Saudi war
Riyadh falls and Arabia is annexed by our Arab comrades. We don’t know what they have in plan for administrating the peninsula but that is none of our business. The army that took Riyadh will now swing towards attacking Oman.
Assembling the invasion force
In mid July, we finally feel ready to attack Britain. The Mediterranean has been secured and Britain is cut off from the rest of its empire. We have prepared a new heavy tank to assist with this invasion the Tiger I. Armoured forces have won us every conflict until this point so why not put them to use again?
Assembling the invasion force
Our transport fleet docked In Brest is attacked by British carrier bombers as we’re preparing the invasion. While this has destroyed a few of our ships it has revealed the location of the main Royal Navy Fleet!
Naval battle
The Royal Navy is located just off the coast of Brest meaning if our Carrier fleet can engage them, we can neutralise the Royal navy as a threat during our invasion. Our fleet quickly sets sail.
New ships
In light of the inevitable naval engagement we begin to produce three new Super Heavy Battleships. A continual naval build up is necessary if we want to defeat the USA.
Naval battle
Our fleet makes contact with the Royal Navy on the 22nd of July. Although the British have far more battleships and a number of carriers, our carriers are much larger and more advanced giving us the upper hand. The VMS Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are also the largest ships on the planet with the largest guns, giving us another key advantage.
Naval battle
The British fleet withdraws after it becomes clear that our Carriers are decimating their ships. Are fleet is in hot pursuit.
Naval battle
We engage the British navy again closer to the English Coast. This will be the battle that ends the Royal Navy.
Naval battle
Success! We take no casualties while killing 5,000 British sailors and sinking three British capital ships. The British fleet withdraws to Portsmouth, where our Carriers can still reach them...
Naval battle
We begin bombing the British fleet moored at Portsmouth. The small number of anti-air defences is quickly destroyed allowing us to bomb to our hearts desire.
Naval battle
The Battleship Nelson is destroyed during our raid crippling the British fleet. The British coastline is now fully open to an invasion. News of the defeat in the English Channel has caused an outcry of opposition towards the British government. For years the British government has deluded their people saying that the British fleet is undefeatable. With this proven false, we have given the British Proletariat a substantial morale boost.
Securing Arabia
Back in Arabia the Arab Socialist Republic has almost secured the peninsula.
Attacking the (Free) French
Our Italian comrades have also managed to land in French Africa and they are advancing towards the French temporary capital.
Jet Planes
We have also begun research into developing a functional jet propelled interceptor. Research may take some time, but we feel that jet propulsion will give our air force a massive advantage over less advanced aircraft.
Naval battle
We have been launching continual bombing runs on the British Fleet in Portsmouth. Dissent is high and there are rumours that the British royal family and government have fled the country for Canada.
British Civil War
On the 10th September all hell breaks loose in Britain. After British military police discovered a substantial stash of weapons being concealed by factory workers, the police were killed leading to a crackdown in factories across the country. Seeing this the British Proletariat finally break out into rebellion declaring the beginning of the Republic of Great Britain. London falls under Socialist control as factories across the city come under worker control.
British Civil War
This civil war has rocked the empire causing many colonies to defect to the USA for protection instead.
British Civil War
Without hesitation we immediately send the British workers as much aid as we can slip through the Capitalist defences; some infantry divisions and a number of aircraft.
British Civil War
The British communists accept our aid and also join the International as our newest member. The Socialists position does not look good however; their control is just limited to London, Glasgow and Cornwall. Capitalist forces are already moving into London to crush the revolution and there is no suitable port controlled by our comrades for our troops to land at. The success of this revolution will be decided in the next few hours...

Next chapter:

Game: Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

A Communist Germany AAR: Part 11

Images: 61, author: Bluntforce9001, published: 2017-02-02, edited: 1970-01-01

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Game: Victoria 2

Victoria II Kingdom of Hungary AAR - The War of Hungarian Independence (1846-1847)

Images: 27, author: johnr754, published: 2017-02-01, edited: 1970-01-01