Rise of the Sun of May - Part 19: Nine Million Fascists (1922-1927)

Author: deadpoetic31
Published: 2017-03-10, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

Rise of the Sun of May

Previous part:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - Part 18: Elections and Death (1920-1922)

Images: 41, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-03-07, edited: 1970-01-01

Once again, we come back to the Provinces on the brink of an election!

The Left Coalition come up with a candidate within days of the assassination of Prime Minister Adolfo Güemes. They strongly back a candidate they had chosen on a 'backlog'.

51 year old former banker José Luis Cantilo comes from a rich background that includes education in France. Cantilo strangely almost never addresses the people of the Provinces, though his policies are apparently 'similar' to that of his predecessors.

Many people suspect Cantilo rich enough to undermine the sacred Platense democracy and 'buy' votes. The candidate does not reply to these claims, and neither does his surprisingly silent party.
Partido Socialista and the Red Bloc make a return this election, citing their disagreement with the Left Coalition candidate. This makes it the first 4 way election since 1914, and only the second ever.

The 40 year old eccentric MP Alfredo Palacios serves the role as their candidate.

Palacios, content with being referred to as 'Alfredo', is a strong proponent of peace and social progression in the Provinces. Alfredo feels that our nation should work together with the Netherlands to mutual benefit, and that the only strong United Provinces is one with a backbone of immigration.
The National Front backs 44 year old Robustiano Patrón Costas.

Costas is considered a mistake by the Front. During such a turbulent time, the coalition had picked one of the most boring men of their ranks.

Costas made almost no public appearances, and it felt to the public, outside his home state of Jujuy, as if he never even entered the race.
The Right Direction decides to go a different direction than their recent bout of older and experienced far righters.

The 27 year old Juan Domingo Perón is chosen to lead the coalition in the election. Perón's father, Mario Tomás Perón, ran before under the Right Direction in the 1905 elections.

Perón is a known and longtime admirer of the Austrian brand of Fascism, believing that it was Communism that brought their country's downfall and Fascism that has maintained it since.

Perón previously served as a lieutenant in the Platense military and is widely known as a 'patriot' and 'military-man'.
Annnddd they're off! If you wonder who is in charge of the Provinces at this dire time, Queen Manuela, now 65 years old, handles the reigns.

Anyway, as we see here Morocco has a strange situation. Somehow, the country has been turned Fascist and now has Communist revolutions. whew.
Update on the 'Worker's Commonwealth':

Fascists are now running amok.
It's very enjoyable to watch the Platense immigration stats climb higher and higher.
On January 14th, several months after the election's start, controversy breaks.

The assassins of Prime Minister Adolfo Güemes are caught and admit their motives.

They had been put up to the task and directly paid by the upper administration of Unión Cívica Radical and the Left Coalition.

Included in the given names are important party leaders, several MPs, and the current Left Coalition candidate, José Luis Cantilo.

Cantilo and the party deny the accusations, but the information is 'confirmed' by the police and spread out throughout all of the Platense free press.
Holy shit that's a big stack of rebels.

The poor town of Chelmsford is getting pummeled by approximately NINE MILLION FASCISTS.
By March 15th 1923, those (let me repeat) NINE MILLION + FASCISTS overtake the Communist government and create the 'Union of Britain' under the Fascist leader Oswald Mosley.

But as you notice, rebels still linger.

An unknown amount of rebels hand yet on to the idea of a free democracy reigning on the island.
The election is intensely close due to the recent controversies, though still not as close as the 2 electoral vote difference in the 1914 election.

Costas puts no effort in and gets expected results.

Cantilo gains Entre Rios by a slim margin due to it being his home state, and gains South Madagascar only due to the slow communication of the revelations. Cantilo disappears from politics and pratically everywhere else after the election.

Perón, a strong populist, conjures up massive support and nearly triples the amount of provinces voting for his party in the last election. Perón's performance impresses his coalition, who immediately begin investing in preparation for the next election.
The clear winner of the election overall, by 7 electoral votes, is the magnificently mustachioed Alfredo Palacios.

After a confirmation by the already Socialist Parliament (due to not reaching the mandated electoral vote total), Alfredo is sworn in as the fifth Prime Minister of the United Provinces on April 24th.

He becomes the first ever Socialist leader in the country.
Days after his inauguration, Alfredo works with his colleagues to smoothly pass a bill refining the Platense minimum wage laws to near perfection.
Though Alfredo is a peacekeeper at heart, he knows the importance of a strong defense (especially considering the Platense military tech isn't the greatest).
Continuing of a regulatory precedent set on factories.
O shit now even Colombia is being attacked by rebels.

Too bad Alfredo is strong enough to stand against wasting Platense lives on a country that never really honors their alliance or assists with wars.
In August, after an incident between the stationed Platense troops and the Malagasy natives, Alfredo condemns any disrespect shown to the local's religions.
Alfredo also brings up the taxes for the first time in a long time.

With that money, he is able to expand Educational budgets to their full extent and expand Administrative budgets fairly far as well.
On November 29th 1923, after only 8 months of rule, the British Fascists are overthrown and a Republic is constructed. Alfredo sends his regards to the successful revolutionaries, being in firm opposition to anything Fascist.

Perhaps now the British will calm down.
The Platense Parliament of 1924 is assembled.

Similarly to the election results, the extreme Left and Right benefit at the extreme expense of the middle.

The Red Bloc, backed by massive support for Alfredo from former Left Coalitionists, become the first party ever to democratically hold over 100 seats in the Parliament (or former Senate).
Meanwhile, the Europeans have started yet another crisis.

This one pits Bohemia-Moravia against the rebelling former Austrian Imperialists on their borders.
Within days, the Germans have backed the Bohemia-Moravians and the Russians have backed the Austrians.
In less than a month, after France joins the side of Russia, the Germans accept a white peace on the issue thankfully.
In March, Alfredo releases a never before seen layered tax plan.

The wealthiest would pay 70% tax, middle class 60%, and lower classes 55%.

The citizenry applauds Alfredo for the effort, feeling that the rich (such as candidate Cantilo) were finally paying a fair share to support society.
On March 9th 1924, after the efforts of several previous Prime Ministers, Alfredo announces that the Provinces have reached 50% literacy, the highest point ever reached, and continues to climb.
Meanwhile, Fascists take over in Peru.

Alfredo, though pressured by himself and his anti Fascists allies, decides not to act on the issue yet.
Alfredo also begins considering future plans for fixing the broken and backwards prison systems.
Meanwhile, the Socialists Parliament spearheads a new bill finally making all child labor illegal.
On the topic of labor, Alfredo dismisses and reveals plans from the National Front to use spies in labor unions.
Cement proft$.
The taxes are heightened slightly to 75%-65%-60% because, you know, costs.
It appears that the Caribbean nations may finally be recovering from a bout of the Fash.
The response to the South Malagasy religion defiling has clearly struck a chord with the natives.
Alfredo shows support of immigration as he denounces racist anti minority campaigns headed by the Right Direction.
For the first time ever, the Province's coffers have topped $200,000.
Little to no unrest under Alfredo's nation.
Also, immigration has continued to grow.

Almost 3,000 a day now! The highest in South America!
Sadly, on April 26th, General Mitre dies.

Mitre's funeral clearly shows how 'forgotten' the armies have become, with many anti-military tendencies causing them to be ignored.
Alfredo fills the open position with his childhood friend, Fructuoso Quintana.
Meanwhile, some fairly large rebellions have started in Communist Brazil.
As our economy grows, Alfredo plans out a South American Regional Trade Fair in Buenos Aires to display the advances of the Platense businesses and technology.

Visualising Alfredo's moods on other South American countries, the invite list of delegations includes Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and of course the Netherlands.
technical stuff
All invited delegations attend the Fair, as well as a Belgian delegation joining the Dutch.
The Fair is a great success, showing off the progress of the Provinces!
In one of the least anti-Fascist decisions of his leadership, Alfredo decides to not condemn the Fascist party's philanthropy in soup kitchens, arguing that they were actually doing help for the poor regardless of their political views.
Classics are being rediscovered.
Meanwhile, as you can see, the Brazilian rebellions are ramping up.
The Platense Parliament of 1926 is assembled.
The Red Bloc slowly begins to shed support, with the National Front and Left Coalition duking it out at the bottom.
Also, the Fascists have overturned the Reactionaries as the largest party in the Right Direction.
Before these elections, the Socialists call a vote in Parliament to hold off another election until at least 1929, giving Alfredo 2 terms out of one election. The motion is passed with support from all of the Left as well as some breakaway support from the Right due to an appreciation for the growing economy.
Though the situation seems controversial, the public actually mostly agrees with it. Also, the Queen's backing on the motion gives it much support in public.
Shieeett- rebs dude.
Woah, what, all the rebels are 'suddenly' gone! Who handled that?! (psst it was the army)
The Brazilian rebels are getting pretty serious.
More rebels, dammit.
The Dutch are having a good bit of trouble with controlling India it seems.
In December, the Brazilian province of Pernambuco is granted partial autonomy. Perhaps the Brazilians are trying to lessen the damage of their own rebels by creating smaller governments that would handle the regions better.
This sure won't backfire on them.
By February, Pernambuco has already rid of the provided Communist government and replaced it with a semi autonomous Republic.
Look at that beautiful Platinean culture. (By the way i've decided to call the culture 'Platinean' and the overall demonym of the Provinces 'Platense')
Now some of the army is even betraying their own brothers in arms.
By May, the Brazilian rebels have already reached Platense borders with their controlled land.
Later that month, the Rights of Parliament hatch a plan to overrule Alfredo by declaring war on Fascist Chile with a Parliament majority. Debates ensue between the Socialists and Conservatives to gain the support of the undecided Liberals caught in the middle. In the mind of the Right, they could blame Alfredo for the war if it were to be a failure, destroying public support for the Socialists. Also, if a success ensues, the Parliament can take responsibility for guiding the country through the war.
By June 7th, Parliament passes a declaration of war on Chile.

Believe it or not, many pacifist Socialists vote for the measure, encouraging Alfredo to show that Socialists can stand up for themselves and have a backbone for themselves when necessary.

Alfredo rises to the challenge almost reluctantly, but determined to show Socialists were for all and that he could guide the country through a situation even if it was specifically 'rigged' against him.

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - Part 20: The Tragedy of El Jefe (1927-1928)

Images: 61, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-03-14, edited: 1970-01-01

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