The Norwegian Saga, Victoria 2 AAR, PART 8

Published: 2017-02-07, edited: 1970-01-01

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The Norwegian Saga, Victoria 2 AAR

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Game: Victoria 2

The Norwegian Saga, Victoria 2 AAR, PART 7

Images: 38, author: asernesesealsasesos, published: 2017-02-07, edited: 1970-01-01

July 4th, 1879.
King Haakon, the ruler of the Norwegian Empire and its colonial holdings, celebrate his 10 year anniversary as king of Norway. The once so young and handsome king is already starting to feel the weight on his shoulders. He has, although loved by many, been subjected to fierce revolts, and even assasination attempts. The power of the king is fading, and Haakon is the first to see it.
A plan forms in his head. A gamble at best, a death sentence at worst. For he knows perfectly well why the people loved is father, Olav, back in the old days. He was a liberator. A pioneer. A true force of nature. Haakon needs to adapt, if he is to win the heart of the people.
A show of force is necessary. The city of St.petersburg, is home to a large Finnish minority, still slaving away under the Tzar. The Finns, being the people resenting the Rule of Haakon the most, needs to see that their king protects them. Norway shall truly be liberators once more.
The forces are made ready immediately. Although the war is far of still, King Haakon needs to feel certain the troops are ready. It will also, hopefully, stop the now aggrecive Germans from doing anything recless.
In the middle of the war preparations, the Icelandic Althing has requested the right to govern its own internal affairs, as to ease the burden of the Icelandic peasant. The Goverment responds that "A mere Norwegian Fylke" is not worthy of its own goverment, and promptly shuts the Althing down.
King Haakon, still wholly commited to the coming war, does not fail to think on a grander scale. With the recent political failures in Africa in precent mind, he opts to use it in his favour. King Haakon Proclaims the goal of "Hindering another West African atrocity" ,and regulating the efforts of bringing civilization to the Africans. The conference is a success, and the road is now open to colonize the entire continent.
Pictured, the Oslo conference attendants. King Haakon, near the map, points out his area of interest. A disgruntlet looking Bismarck is seen sitting, not overly enthusiastic about the whole ordeal.
Norway immediately lay claim to eastern...
And western Middle-Africa.
A attempt is also made at the Moroccan desert, but is later abandoned.
In the end, not a single great power argues about the Norwegian claims on St.petersburg. Most of the Great Powers wholeheartedly support the Norwegian goverment....
And those who do not agree, are bussy fixing the war-thorn balkan states and Austria.
On september 1880, A decleration of war is sendt to the Russian goverment. No offer of surrender is made. Haakon is determined to show his iron will.
Parts of the Norwegian army, encamped near the russian border. Only the best equipment where good enough for these battle hardened men.
Sokoto infantry, near Helsinki. The Colonial contribution to the war made up about 1/3 of the army, and was mostly used in reserve. All Norwegian military units would eventually see action in the war.
A full on offensive is planned, with one unit engaging the only Russian unit currently in the area.
The traitorous brits fail to join us in our most urgen hour of need. THe Realtion between Haakon and the English never heals, and the royal marriage is cancelled.
several important battles take place the first weeks of the war, including a brutal naval battle, disabling the Russian fleet for good.
To help protect our interests in Africa in this turbulent age, it is decided to handle the internal affairs of the Kongolese ourselves.
Sokoto also falls under Norwegian rule.
The true strenght of our nation is shown, when Brave Scandinavian soldiers and conscripts attack a Russian unit, twice the size. The Russians have fought little else but Asian minors, and have failed to learn anything useful about the art of war these recent years.
With few real contenders in Africa, Norway has made serious headway. Further colonization is carried out.
Some Swedish lobbyists encouraged by recent victories, suggest to further the wargoal by incorporating the historical Swedish dominion of Estonia. A move that would surely better the Kings standing amongst the Swedish population.
The King, desperately looking for new allies, finds one in the people of France. The french, although glad to make new friends, do not join the war.
In Finland, large Russian formations are observed traveling to Povyents, possibly to regroup and attack. The High command, sensing no time to lose, prepare to strike
a massive battle takes place, comprising the entire Norwegian army, and half the Russian
Many lives are lost on both sides, but the Russian back is broken.
Russian troops, taking up defensive positions. Heavy bombardment by modern Norwegian cannons battered the Russian soldiers to surrender.
Several smaller victories are made across the enitr front, one of them, here seen, is in the forrests of Karelia.
King Haakon, sensing no point in stopping at the Estonian people, suggests the opportunity to annex even more historical Swedish land. The International Community is far less pleased by this turn of events.
The last surviving forces of the planned Russian offensive is destroyed in Finland.
Few men have lived to see such slaughter.
The first real presence in Africa, other than Norwegian colonization, is observed in Egypt, where English workers are starting a ambitious project to severely shorten the necessary travel time around the african coast.
After the great Victory in Kuopio, the war grinds to a halt, turning into a slow-paced siege war. It is only interrupted by Norwegian assaults on lesser defended units.
Norwegian soldiers, near St.petersburg, besieging a local fortification. Nearly two years of constant warfare have turned the soldiers and conscripts into a ruthless fighting machine. But there cannot be war without tragedy. Most of the men pictured have probably lost several friends and colleagues in the past fights.
And finally, the Russians bear falls, beaten by the pure strenght of the Norwegian Lion. Armistice is signed on February 19th.
And so the war was over, that cemented the Norwegian position over the baltic sea forever.
Victory parade, Oslo. The ruling party celebrates the grand victory in the baltic. The renewed historical pride can be clearly seen in the viking -esque decorations. The festivities lasted several weeks.
Changing of the guards, winter palace, st.petersburg. The Norwegian goverment made a point of establishing a military presence as soon as possible.
The Estonian people, celebrating their first day of independence from Russia. The Norwegian army recieved a warm welcome in the hands of the grateful Estonians.
King Haakon, Having won the greatest battle yet in the history of Norway, could finally rest easily. He knew his position as the spiritual leader of the country was secured, maybe for good.
He also knew that his clever diplomacy had most likely guaranteed the African mainland, from coast to coast.
And lastly, the broken ties with Britain meant he could pursuit the dreams of his people, in one way or another. They will pay for their treachery.
Truly, those who doubted Haakon has long since repented their sinful ways. Now, King Haakon could focus on what he truly believed in: The Greatness of the Nation he loved so dearly. It shall grow, he promised to himself, to new heights. For it is what the people of Norway, no, the WORLD, deserves.

All Hail his excellence, King Haakon 7! Three Times Hurrah for King and Country! HURRAH FOR NORWAY, THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL!

(thank you for reading, see you next time!)

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

The Norwegian Saga, Victoria 2 AAR, PART 9

Images: 39, author: asernesesealsasesos, published: 2017-02-07, edited: 1970-01-01

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Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's

AImerica Tournament #1 - Morning in AImerica

Images: 36, author: carbon14, published: 2019-07-07, edited: 1970-01-01