Rise of the Sun of May - The Kickass Epilogue

Author: deadpoetic31
Published: 2017-03-25, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

Rise of the Sun of May

Previous part:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - Part 23: United Provinces Forever (1931-1936)

Images: 84, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-03-19, edited: 1970-01-01

Hello, and welcome back to the United Provinces.

Since the final episode, I have been cooking up what I think is a great treat for you guys, with google form results and maps galore, so enjoy!

Disclaimer: You may notice that the styles of some of the maps are similar to /u/meatstewbox. They are because I really love the damn things and decided to emulate them as best I could (with /u/meatstewbox's permission).
To prepare you for the maps that i've been slaving away to make for the past week, let's start with some basic map appetizers.
This is a collection of maps of the top 8 Great Powers as well as several other multi-continental and powerful countries. (All non-Great Powers listed are not under any spheres of influence)

Light colors mean sphere of influence and dark colors are the countries themselves.

Belgium might be hard to see but their major colonies include areas around Cambodia, Senegal, Seychelles, and the Pacific Islands.

Yes Germany is winning by a British Commonwealth amount of points.
And here is a map of all those countries mashed together.

The top 8 (plus 4 more) countries own a massive portion of the world compared to smaller and less powerful countries.
A map commonly requested from the form was an ideology map.

So here is the ideology of the world's governments (colored by ideology of course)

Amount of countries and most powerful of each ideology:

Conservative: 50 (United States)
Liberal: 17 (German Empire)
Socialist: 15 (Kingdom of France)
Fascist: 12 (State of Austria)
Reactionary: 7 (Russian Empire)
Communist: 3 (Romanian People's Republic)
Anarcho-Liberal: 0 (My ass)
Finally, some of you requested a map of the peak of the 'Dutch Empire'.

Above is the Dutch Empire at it's peak in 1919 (with spheres in light orange), and below is the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1936.
Brace yourselves.

(there's also data too, not only maps)
Let's begin with a map of Europe in 1936, since that was requested a lot.

Unlisted names numbered on the map:
I. Confederation of Switzerland / Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
II. State of Austria / Bundesland Österreich
III. Kingdom of Luxembourg / Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg
IV. Kingdom of Belgium / Koninkrijk België
V. Kingdom of the Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
VI. Kingdom of Bohemia-Moravia / Království Českomoravské
VII. State of Galicia-Lodomeria / Stan Galicyjskiej Lodowni
VIII. Kingdom of Ruthenia / Галицко-Волинскоє князство
IX. Kingdom of Hungary / Magyar Királyság
X. Kingdom of Yugoslavia / Kraljevina Jugoslavija
XI. People's Republic of Romania / Republica Socialistă România
XII. State of Bulgaria / състояние на България
XIII. Republic of Crete / Κρητική Πολιτεία
XIV. Kingdom of Persia / کشور شاهنشاهی ایران
Not numbered: State of Egypt / دولة مص (between Spanish Egypt and Levant)
Next, i've made a region map of our home continent, South America.
You may have noticed that I refer to the 'United Provinces' but I call the subdivisions "states'.

So what are the Provinces? These are!

7 regional divisions who each have a delegation for speaking to the monarch and Parliament about the needs of the specific regions and their cultures.
And here are the 27 states of the United Provinces along with several of our largest cities.
Specifics on each state.
And here we have the big boy that took forever to learn how to make and similarly as long to create; bask in the glory of the Ethnic Map of the United Provinces!
What's that you say? You want specifics on the ethnicities?

The words of the people!

95 responses were recorded (to tell you the truth I was expecting like 30 but you guys really delivered!)
Results of Best Monarch (pictured are the monarchs from the beginning of their reign).
Results of Best Phase of the AAR (pictured is each phase at it's height).
Results for Best President/Prime Minister of the AAR (pictured are the PM's at the beginning of their terms along with a color resembling their political ideology).
Results for Worst President/Prime Minister of the AAR (pictured are the PM's at the beginning of their terms along with a color resembling their political ideology).
Results for Best Current Political Party (colors are the colors of the party).
Results for Favorite Other Country to Watch (along with their flags).
Results for Favorite Episode (along pictures highlighting important moments in each).
Now we come to the results of the 1936 Platense Prime Minister Election.

Shockingly, the Left vote is split between the similarly activist Ezeiza and Storni (who becomes the first woman to receive an electoral vote), while the Right vote is solid due to the National Front having a shit candidate.

The result is a solid victory for Juan Domingo Perón of the Right Direction, confirmed by Parliament after being urged by newly crowned King Máximo I, who wishes to follow his mother in the protection and reliance on Democracy.
For better or for worse, Juan Domingo Perón is sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of the United Provinces.

This is the first time a candidate from the Right-ward ideology has held the office since Conservative Julio Argentino Roca took was inaugurated in 1879, so it should be interesting to see what occurs (especially with a leader farther right than ever before (except maybe Rosas but that's debatable))

Among Perón's first actions is invading Integralist Brazil once again to displace the "false regime" that "shines poor light on Fascism".
Because I thought it was cool, here is a gif showing each PM election in Argentina/United Provinces.
And here is the same thing for Parliament evolution.
And finally the rating and country suggestions you guys gave me.

(If you wonder which way I would be leaning; Boers, Greece, Austria, and Romania sound equally as nice but we'll see IF it even happens)

That's all folks!

If you wish to see, the actual numbers and pie charts of each question from the survey are here for you to look at: http://imgur.com/a/wbdF8

Thank you all very much for joining me on this journey, I may very well begin another one in the future for you to feast your eyes upon my shit military and technology skills once again!

Thank you!

Check out another AAR:

Game: Crusader Kings II

Chronicle of Kings, CK AAR, part 1: Ivar the Bold

Images: 46, author: asernesesealsasesos, published: 2017-02-07