Rise of the Sun of May - Part 23: United Provinces Forever (1931-1936)

Author: deadpoetic31
Published: 2017-03-19, edited: 1970-01-01

Part of the campaign:

Rise of the Sun of May

Previous part:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - Part 22: The War for the Protection of South America (1930-1931)

Images: 41, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-03-17, edited: 1970-01-01

After a long fought and costly yet successful war, Prime Minister Ezeiza calls the troops back home and lowers the reserves.

Meanwhile, Parliament and Ezeiza himself wait to see if Rio Grande do Sul follows through with their Brazilian invasion plan.
Meanwhile, Pernambuco is doing fantastic after doubling their land area after they captured the Brazilian state of Bahia with our help.

The Pernambucana government continue to rely on Platense protection throughout the future, though the previous war with Brazil guaranteed no trouble from them for a while at least.
The captured state also hosts a sizable population, freed from Brazilian Fascist rule.
The Platense economy is at it's highest peak in history, with fairly large daily profits combined with fully funded government programs.
On June 6th, the Rio Grandense decide to act while they can and declare war on Fascist Brazil as it's down.
Ezeiza immediately grants subsidies to Rio Grande so they have backup money if things go awry.
The target province of Rio Grande, Santa Catarina, is shown centered.
The population of the region isn't that great, but a combination of resources and a natural defensive border between the province and the rest of Brazil in the shape of a river, the area makes for a great potential addition for future security.
By August, almost the entire area has been captured, with a sparse 11,000 Brazilians moving in to the region from the North.
Showing the democracy and equality of a public in a region plagued by Fascism, Pernambuco passes acts protecting their native population.
By September, the entire region is captured. More Brazilians move into the area, however.
They are quickly engaged by the Rio Grandense before they can fully group up.
Further army tech because at this point the Platense armies are slinging rocks compared to the Brazilian technological superiority.
A larger Brazilian force is taken out further North.

These Rio Grandense make for some honorable soldiers.
In November, Ezeiza announces a plan allocating most of the surplus from the economy to rebuilding a navy for the protection of the Atlantic islands, Madagascar, and not to forget little Easter Island.

A first step is upgrading the disastrously primitive naval bases on the East coast, as well as planning for the production of modern Dreadnoughts in the formerly Chilean ports.
By December, the Rio Grandense seem to be on a non stop roll of sieging provinces.
On December 11th, the weak Brazilian regime folds to Rio Grande's demands, and the country gains Santa Catarina.

Ezeiza approaches the government to see if annexation was still in the plans. After receiving a confirmation of it, the two governments coincide for an annexation plan set to be carried out on July 9th as before; Argentina independence day.
Dutch Africa going further into the hole.
By the end of 1931, only 2 Communist countries exist in the world, both in the Caribbean.
Fascism is another story, though, with 11 Fascist controlled governments including 9 full on dictatorships.
The Platense Parliament of 1932 is assembled.

This is the first Parliament assembled with the new and large amount of seats allocated in the 1930 election.

Unión Cívica Radical fully integrates the now defunct Partido Liberal, very very slowly regaining the power that the Left once had.
Look at that sweet sweet immigration.

You probably won't believe this but at least on January 18th 1932, Platense immigrations of 4,420 in the day have...
...beaten the US (with only 2,235)!

At least on this day, the Provinces are the most immigrated
In April, the new Parliament finalizes political reforms on parties, protecting the public from falling from out grand democracy into oligarchy.
A little over a month before planned annexation, Platense forces are ordered into Rio Grande do Sul just in case of Brazilian interference.
More military tech!
Finally, on July 9th 1932, Rio Grande do Sul is integrated and annexed into the United Provinces.

The Rio Grandense government is leveled down to state level, and Santa Catarina is granted it's own separate statehood.

Finally, the region of Banda Oriental, made up of Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, stands united under one banner!
Voila! The United Provinces of 1932!
The troops return after no unrest or Brazilian intervention is reported in the region.
The Spanish have begun vacuuming up former Dutch colonies near Calabar.

Speaking of Calabar, their small nation has prospered under Platense protection. Obong Eyo IX currently resides as head of state in a traditional tribal style. The country has had great strives in modernization as their government is influenced by each Prime Minister.

(Interesting note: Obongs of Calabar are real and still exsist today- here is the current one's website http://www.efikeburutu.org/our%20palace.html)
Ezeiza strongly supports equal education rights, expanding education programs in Madagascar.
There's some cult of personality surrounding Peru's Fascist leaders, but Ezeiza remains hands off and adheres to the Quito Accords.
In May, showing democratic growth yet to fully reach the Provinces, Pernambuco enacts women's suffrage.

Ezeiza now makes it his goal to soon follow.
Tech is the first step of that goal.
To join the Naval expansion, Ezeiza also takes advantage of the economic boom to expand the Platense military to it's limits, giving thousands jobs and countless more protection.
The ongoing Brazilian-border fort upgrade project is finally finished in June.
Las Malvinas must be protected at all costs!
In July, Ecuador comes to the table offering alliance.

The country, a republic, has been sitting dormant for decades, hardly making any international presence.

Ezeiza accepts their first step in joining the international community.
Even the Dutch enact women's suffrage!
In September, General Evaristo Pedernera passes away of natural causes after a lifetime in the military.
After holding a small and private funeral out of respect, Ezeiza offers the position to Pedernera's son, Santiago, continuing the Pedernera line of military leadership.
As troops are raised, they are ordered to meet in Asunción where a third national army will be organized.
Progress in Malagasy development!
On October 2nd 1933, the Ottoman dynasty comes to an end, ushering in a new era of the Republic of Turkey.
By November the first dreadnoughts are completed in Chile.
Admiral Miguel Santos is appointed to head the newcoming fleet.
Tech my man!
The Platense Parliament of 1934 is assembled.

Parliament sees a massive boost for the traditional left and right parties as the extreme sides slowly lose seats.
Ezeiza isn't alone in his quest for universal suffrage.

Also, at this point an election was set to take place. Queen Manuela allows Ezeiza another two years in office confirmed by Parliament in order to adhere to her upcoming and as of yet behind closed doors plans for the future and to make an easier transition for that time.
Meanwhile, Ezeiza approaches the Dutch government in order to ease the build-load and resource requirements of dreadnoughts, purchasing 6 dreadnoughts from the dreadnought-abundant Dutch Navy for a price of $100,000 each.
And they sail home!
Even more calls for suffrage.
In June, yet another European crisis begins, and yet again in Yugoslavia.
You won't believe this, but the crisis pits the same Banat rebels against the same Yugoslav government that started the Great War back in 1918.

The British back the Banats and the Germans back the Yugoslavs.
In August, the United Provinces returns to the Secondary Power stage for the first time since the early Argentina days!
Boom! Overtaking the Qing Empire.
tech, son.
On September 18th 1934, Ezeiza works with his own party and the Socialists in Parliament to pass Universal Suffrage. The people of the Provinces, regardless of race, gender, or creed, are now all guaranteed their right to vote!
By October, the might of the Platense military numbers 180,000 (including Malagasy divisions) and they are joined by a Naval force of 10 various ships including a core fleet of dreadnoughts.
Luckily, the crisis ends after pleas from the rest of Europe that this can only be worse than last time.

The Banats are ignored once again.
Following the peace deal, several European colonial powers meet in Berlin to discuss formally exchanging colonial land and money in order to create better organized regions that better fit localized cultures.
Major exchanges include the linking of North and South Mozambique after the Germans give up their land between to the Portuguese.
Meanwhile, Portugal cedes their small colony in Djibouti to the Germans in return.
In the West, the Dutch cede their exclave in Eastern Nigeria to the Spanish, furthering the 'Spanish Line' that cuts the continent apart.
Also, Portuguese Guinea is given to the Dutch.
Belgium cedes all of their remaining Caribbean island territory to the Dutch.

(Speaking of the Caribbean, I didn't even notice that Sweden owns their own land there on Saint Barths)
In the Indian Ocean, the Seychelles and several other islands are transferred to the dominant Belgians in the region.
Finally, little Christmas Island is given to the Dutch by the Belgians.
To save time, I won't even tell you what my final technology to research is.
Tensions seem to be lowering in Europe and mends are being made.
Lets just ignore this and adhere to the Quito Accords how about that?
On December 1st 1935, crowds gather in Buenos Aires for a personal address from Queen Manuela herself.
The Queen, pictured here with her youngest son and his family, is now 78 years old. 58 years of benevolent reign have pushed the Provinces into the future and beyond.
Crowds gather as the Queen stands beneath a newly unveiled obelisk outside of the Unification Palace in Buenos Aires.

She reads a speech, with tears in her eyes;

"People of the Provinces. It has been my honor to serve you as your Queen for a vast portion of my life. My father before me would be proud of what we have accomplished together as a nation. But it is now 1935, and I hold 78 years of age. I am afraid I cannot serve my people affectively any longer, therefore, I, as my father before me, will pass on the power to my child."

"I, Queen Manuela Robustiana Rosas I of the United Provinces hereby abdicate my throne, and pronounce my eldest son, Prince Manuel Máximo Rosas, as King of this land!"
Cheers erupt from the crowd as hundreds of thousands of observers move into the Unification Palace for the coronation ceremony. Máximo proves to be an excitement for the crowd, as he is known for similar Progressive ideology as his mother. They could not wait to forge into the future.

55 year old King Manuel Máximo Rosas, stylized as King Máximo I, has now risen as the monarch of these great United Provinces!

One of his first acts as King seems small, but shows the growth of the nation and carries much symbolic weight. What was once the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata is now renamed the United Provinces of South America.
The Platense Parliament of 1936 is assembled.

The final Parliament of the AAR sees such a massive boost in Left Coalition popularity that they overtake the Right Direction for the second largest coalition in government.
Finally, the elections begin, after the Queen fulfilled her goal of a smooth transition with a constant Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Gabino Ezeiza is now 64 years old. Backed strongly by the Left Coalition, Ezeiza promises a continuation of the economic boom and the reaping of it's benefits.

Other than all of the mainstream stuff, one of Ezeiza's more interesting ideas after re election would be to seek integrating Calabar directly into the country to give them the vote.
The Red Bloc back their second female candidate in history.

44 year old revolutionary poet Alfonsina Storni campaigns strongly for a push in Parliament from the lull of reforms as of late. Storni believes that, now that political freedoms have been met and protected, it's time to move on to social freedoms.

Storni is also a strong proponent of reaffirming and backing up women's rights legally now that voting has been solidified.
The National Front once again back 42 year old Enzo Bordabehere.

It is unknown why he is selected again, as he is generally referred to as a weak candidate whose single policy of annexing Rio Grande do Sul had already been accomplished.

Nevertheless he campaigns.
The Right Direction once again chooses 41 year old Juan Domingo Perón.

Perón, a military man and actual supporter of Ezeiza's military expansion, actually believes that the Prime Minister hasn't gone far enough.

Perón's plans have now extended to so much as invading Brazil once again to capture the entire country and rid the world of a weak and falsified Fascist regime that doesn't show the true potentials of the ideology.
And thus, my time in game has come to an end. (Please continue for voting and such)

The United Provinces shall ever prosper throughout the ages without my meager assistance.
Here is the end screen (Please continue for voting and such)

A couple of interesting things:

- WE ARE 15th! We fit in right snug between Bohemia-Moravia and Turkey.

- Germany is the world's greatest power BY FAR. With other European powers such as Britain and France being stripped of their Empires, Germany has had plenty of time to gain a massive lead on the rest of the world.




The Epilogue will probably be published somewhere within the next one to two weeks (I want to make it as good as possible)

Thanks for watching!

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

Rise of the Sun of May - The Kickass Epilogue

Images: 27, author: deadpoetic31, published: 2017-03-25, edited: 1970-01-01

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Game: Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

A Long-Lasting Dream: I - The Sheltering Sky

Images: 33, author: hsiwangmu, published: 2018-01-17, edited: 2018-01-21