Death to the West - A Persian HPM AAR - Part 6

Author: ElvenAshwin
Published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

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Death to the West - A Persian HPM AAR

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Death to the West - A Persian HPM AAR - Part 5

Images: 82, author: ElvenAshwin, published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

Welcome to the Persian Colonial Era
Over the course of the 1870s and early 1880s, Persian capabilities and prestige rose to its highest point in decades. Shah Naser al-Din transformed Persia into a global power - one capable of competing with Russia on an equal foot, rather than striking at it from the shadows.

Massive education reforms and the importing of western textbooks and teachers have led to skyrocketing literacy in Persia. Every child in modern Persia has to attend schooling from ages 5 to 16, where they study western science, math and they learn to speak English. Controversially, they also learn Darwin's Theory of Evolution. This, combined with the mandatory English subject, has made many a conservative and Islamic fundamentalist attack the Shah as an enemy of the state, a puppet of the west.

But for the time being, Persia's newest generation is living in a world completely different from their parents. And that, after all, is the Persian Dream - that every child can have a better life than their forebears.

But in an ever changing world there is one thing that is eternal - the Shah.

All Hail the Shah!
Rolling in the dough
The Chinese, forced to succumb to outrageous demands, have effectively been funding the state close to 300 000 pounds a year, drastically boosting income and giving the Shah a treasury to work with.
Tax cuts for you, tax cuts for you, tax cuts for everyone!
The Shah orders taxes to be dropped to historic lows - so low, in fact, that now Persians pay them normally, instead of having to be robbed by the tax collectors for all their money.

Furthermore, in order to appease the more reactionary members of the military administration, he doubles the funding to the military. The Shah argues that his constant support of the clergy, the conservatives and the reactionaries make up for his western-style reforms. Nonetheless, there remains some anger amongst fundamentalists.

Even then, the government runs a massive surplus.
Climbing in the world
More Persians per capita are capable of reading than Austro-Hungarians. Persia truly is a modern state! Now, at least 40% of our population can read news reports about the latest witch burned.
The Rich are coming, the Rich are coming!
Aristocrats and Capitalists begin to organize into western-style societies, where they plan the future of Persia. One such society, the Erlumernati, is accused of secretly plotting to seize control of Persia.

The Shah laughs off such accusations, before silently hiding his Erlumernati application form.
Damnit, Sweden
Our map has yet to be updated, probably because the Shah executed the remaining cartographers.

But the Shah is informed that the Swedes are invading the autonomous region of Sudan, seizing control of its valuable deposits of trees. The Shah is angered - the Swedes have no respect for other nations!

Persia was meant to steal those resources!
Black gold
The flood of capitalists and industrialists into Persia has led to the Brits approaching the Shah with a proposal. They ask to be granted a monopoly over oil production in Persia, in return the Shah will get a large sum of money and shares in their company.

The Shah agrees, mostly because Persia doesn't have any oil deposits. Silly westerners.

This however, does not stop murmuring amongst members of the upper class and clergy that the Shah is "selling out" to the White Man.

The Shah laughs - that's exactly the point, he hasn't even been trying to hide it.
PREPARE FOR WA- oh whats that
The Shah approaches the British with his latest plan - war to seize Sweden's colonies.

The British promptly produce a paper titled "The Anglo-Swedish Alliance Treaty of 1882".

Of course, the Shah bows to no westerners, and independently makes the decision not to invade Swedish Ethiopia.
Liqour, the foundation of revolution
Everyone knows every factory worker needs liquor to be productive, and to ignore the growing pains from the tumors in their lungs. So the Royal Persian Investment, Development and Anti-Capitalist Agency (THE RPIDACA) begins to fuel the Industrial Revolution in Persia through bottles of alcohol.
Sure, kill some Swedes!
The Egyptians, it turns out, haven't been resisting the Swedish advance, due to the fact that their treaty with us barred them access to Persian-occupied Egypt and Sudan. We grant them this access. After all, it was so difficult for us to beat them, the Swedes don't stand a chance
Eh fuck
The Egyptians lose one battle and surrender. Spineless jerks, you held on for 3 years when we wanted our fair share of your uncivilized land!
All the tropical wood
The Swedes set up shop immediately, extracting tropical wood from the deserts of Sudan.

The Shah is asked about why he values tropical wood so much, and he mutters something about rubber and "the future".
The Railroad Boom
In order to get over his disappointment regarding Egypt, the Shah orders for railroads to be built across Persia. Four specific networks are planned - the Tabriz Line, the South Persia Line, the Persia-Turkmenistan Line and the Baluchistan Line.

Large parts of Persia are still too mountainous to build railroads, however, including the Capital.
Artisans still starving
Even with taxes at historic lows, massive subsidies for any and all imports and general economic progress, the damned artisans can't stop dying.

At this point, the Shah would prefer them as farmers, or, even better, soldiers!
Wanting to connect the capital and other major cities in central Persia to the rest of the nation, the Shah commissions better railroad technology. His scientists proceed to sneak over the border to India, steal parts of its traintracks and present them to the Shah.
Resentment rises
As more and more Persians move away from their agrarian lifestyle, communist propaganda begins to spread. It appears that Prophet Marx's theology spoke of something to do with empowering workers. The Shah doesn't really care, they are heretics.

Light the torches and gather the pitchforks!
Europe at War
The Austro-Hungarian Empire has seen better days. There is talk amongst European circles (which Persia is invited to, mostly because the British feel bad about leaving their lapdog - I mean ally - out) about the liberation of the Czech peoples.

The talk escalated a bit further than that, one ambassador strangled the other, one got drunk and another fucked a goat. Granted, the latter was unrelated, the Persian ambassador was just really bored.

So now Europe's great powers have clashed over the integrity of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Germany, Germany above the rest
The German-Italian Alliance faces off against the Triple Alliance of France, Austria-Hungary and Russia.

Notably, the Shah spits out his tea when he learns that France is now Communist.

He's slightly impressed, the Communists have done what no other Muslim has done, conquer and convert France. He orders his generals to draft plans for a Re-Reconquista while we're at it.

The Advisors are now slightly worried that they should tell the Shah what communism actually is.
On the Edge
Persia's rise has now made it a viable competitor to Russia. Some, in fact, begin to question Russia's position as a global power, and see its decline and the rise of Persia as something that can only lead to Persian dominance.

These people, of course, are the yesmen in the Shah's court, but at least somebody's saying it
An uneasy peace
In a short span of five months, the Czech War claims above a million lives. Germany and Austro-Hungary negotiate a peace deal that grants Bohemia additional autonomy but not full independence.

The stage is set, however, for a future conflict.
Theft - Uh - Research Complete!
Persia's engineers finish reverse engineering Indian railroads.
Damn Jews
The Shah begins setting up investment banks to work in his scam-of-a-stock market. This boosts tax efficiency as the banks occasionally rip off their clients and give their money to the Shah.

Thanks Jews!
What bloody insolence
The Swedes, our mortal enemy (though they don't know it) offers an alliance. The Shah accepts.

Clerics and Anti-West advocates, who had already bought into the Sweden-hating as a result of their Sudan conquest, accuse the Shah of having no backbone.

The Shah, worried, has a medical examiner to confirm that he does indeed have a backbone.
The New Persian Generation, as they're called, now vastly outrank other countries such as Italy and Austria. Overall, close to half the country can read!

This however poses problems to the conservative establishment. What if the people think for themselves? The horror!
Join a Factory!
Join a Factory!
Unlimited Work Hours,
Pay is whatever we want,
No Safety Regulations,
High Mortality Rate!
But if you join you might,
Escape Starvation!
How are you not profitable
Despite following everything in his Industrialization for Dummies' handbook, the Persian industry is not profitable at all, and relies on large government handouts.

He is informed that the westerners simply have more efficient factories due to better technology, and something about the Long-Run Average Cost.

The Shah doesn't understand any of that, however, and blames his people for not working productively in the factory. How dare they not show up to work just because they're dying of tuberculosis?
Work harder!
The RPIDACA develops a system of organizing factories, introducing the foreign concept that workers should do jobs they're specialized to do.

The Shah then adds on a special job of whipmaster into this system, pointing out that constant whipping of subjects tends to make them work harder. He also encourages minorities to be placed in more dangerous jobs, as their inferior genes are "specially adapted" to dying efficiently.

In order to back up his theorem, he points how effective his Kurdish-Burning Coal Plants are, compared to his Communist Burning Coal Plant (which uses more Persians).
The Kingdom of Gonder shall rise again
Ethiopia attempts to resist foreign advancements, such as the Germans to the east. However, the Swedes go to war with them, effectively spelling the end. Their African bodies simply can't resist the White Man. And his guns. Particularly his guns.
What year is it?
The Shah is disappointed. His subjects have been drinking dirty water and have hence contracted a deadly disease that drastically reduces their productivity in his factories. He wonders why they don't just drink wine from their cellars?
A Holy War
The followers of Prophet Marx rise up to install their heresy on Persia. The Shah calls for a Holy War. His soldiers are bemused, but proceed to kill the communists regardless.
There's land out there, that isn't ours!
The Shah begins to whip up the nationalist and imperialist spirit. He commissions the mass production of his personally written novel, the Persian Man's Burden, which goes on to be a major hit as everyone in Persia is forced to buy it.
Not the Port!
Chinese Communists seize the Treaty Port, preventing the sale of overpriced Persian goods to the Heavenly King. The Persian Navy and Army is months away from taking it back, as the Shah begins to realize the difficulties of managing a global Empire.

Its at this point he notices that Muslims in China make no sense. He angrily confronts his advisors, where he learns the truth about Communism. It's not actually a branch of Islam, its an unfortunate mental disease. This explanation makes sense - there are so many Chinese communists, because the Chinese are diseased in the head from birth (hence their excellent ability in war).
Seeing the rise of Persia, and our increasing threat to Russia, Europeans simply throw themselves at us. We're visited by the great Colonial Empire of Portugal. We ask their ambassador how their colony in Brazil is going, but they simply make shifty eyes and dodge the question.

We probably ought to hire new cartographers.
Storm the Beaches!
Our Brave Persian Men storm the Treaty Port, ready to kill the insane men who have seized control of it.
So... bloody... close
Whilst Persia is a center of art and has a growing industry, its military is still much too small to pose a challenge to the Russian Empire, preventing our recognition as anything more than a regional power who tags along with Britain to world events.
Hail the Shah
Death to those who own any kind of land! All Belongs to Qajar Persia!

The nationalist frenzy, while good for the Shah, is unfortunately also earning him enemies. Nationalists, who view themselves as enlightened, see the Shah as moving Persia down a dark path towards becoming a satellite state of the British Empire.

There are also accusations that the Shah's latest propaganda, which attempts to divorce Islamic Identity from Persian Identity, is un-Islamic. The Shah is accused by some extremists of being an apostate. No matter, the Shah answers to no one but himself.
Dig up something good!
In our conquest of Egypt we also seized the Valley of the Kings. We order our men to go search for ancient gold or perhaps Nazi super weapons.
Something is brewing
In Persian intellectual circles, the spirit of revolution is being fermented. Persian philosophers begin to analyze the Communist French regime, and the French Communist Revolution. They conclude that such revolutions should be spreading across the world, and that the old guard is in danger.

Unwilling to be seen as a Shah who kills his philosophers, and wanting to promote Persia as the intellectual capital of the world, the Shah refuses to condemn their work. The old guard in Persia, along with the clergy, growing increasingly angry.

It doesn't help that the Shah keeps the clergy and the reactionaries influential in Parliament and close to his advisory council.
Trade in the Treaty Port
Up till now, the Persian China Company had been in charge of selling all goods to China, pocketing large sums of cash and sending us the profits. We decide to open up the region to any and all competitors, but also levy much larger taxes on the corporations, in the hopes of breaking up the influence of the large Persian China Company.

Overall, our income seems to rise, as the new companies proceed to collude and charge the Chinese at exorbitant prices anyway.
The Scramble for the Rest of Africa
Up till now, the Scramble for Africa was limited to the invasion and annexation of existing Sultanates or Caliphs, and incorporating their realms into the relevant Empires.

Now, however, the Europeans have begun exploring deeper into Africa, where existing state institutions are lacking and can be set up by the Europeans themselves. The Scramble has truly kicked off.

The Shah has no need for participation in such a barbaric, land-grabbing activity - he has plenty of inferior races at home to oppress.

That's the point of colonialism, right?
Get ready!
We are informed by our delegates to China that the Treaty signed five years ago is about to expire. This would be detrimental to our income - large sums of cash were made by granting our companies monopolies over the Chinese market.

We prepare to send demands to the Heavenly King once again
Purchasing drops
As soon as the treaty expires, Chinese traders begin engaging in trade with other nations, and some provinces even ban Persian goods out of spite.

This cannot be allowed to stand!
Raise the Taxes!
Beat the Drums of War!
Ready the guns!
We're in a deficit, but we're so rich from exploiting China we can bear the deficit for a while.
Would you like a trade agreement with Persia?
Our merchants contact the Heavenly King and ask to extend their grants to the Chinese market. He scoffs at us, and the merchants commit suicide.

We tell the international community how outraged we are at the murder of our merchants, and prepare for war. This time, however, the Heavenly King seems awfully confident.
Whilst we have the implicit support of the British Empire, the rest of the world does not believe that our merchants were actually killed by the Chinese guards.
Send them to Egypt!
People resisting the Shah's violent oppression are dangers to the state. Hence, we ought to send them somewhere no human was ever meant to be - the Egyptian desert!

We re-purpose Persian Egypt into a penal colony, where we send our criminals to work. It's not much use right now anyway.
Declaration of War
With the Chinese refusing to succumb to our demands and our economy in grave danger without artificial Chinese demands, we declare war with only the British providing international support.
Attack on Maoming
The initial assault is highly successful, and no major opposition can be found. The Shah is now confident that there will be no issues at all in the war, and tells the British that they can move troops away from the British Raj-Chinese border.
Revolution has arrvied
A Persian philosophers book, "The Progress of Mankind" is released, which describes how revolution and change is inherent to mankind, but also not necessarily violent. It describes Persia's existing changes as a revolution all on its own, and warns of reactionaries and conservatives hijacking progress.

The book is a hit amongst Persian intellectuals and the working class, and grows support for the Shah as someone valiantly defending Persia against the reactionaries.
We need more potatoes
In order to achieve max potato production, the Shah contacts his British friends and orders several of their steam turbines, which should assist in the productivity of farmers. The Shah can then use the money earned from this extra productivity to fuel his warmongering.
After occupying several southern provinces, the Chinese Army decides to finally strike, and Persian forces begin to rally together.
The surround
As the Persian armies come under heavy fire from overwhelming numbers of Chinese troops, other forces begin to swarm around them, cutting off their retreat path.

No matter, the Chinese still desert en masse and enjoy running into Persian bayonets. Dig in hard, boys, there is no risk.
Hold on...
Bahram Shirazi, the Persian commander, manages to hold off the initial wave of charges and attacks on Persian positions. He desperately needs the battle to end, and then he can resupply at the Port, which has been occupied by Chinese forces.
Almost... there...
Chinese morale begins to thin out, however, the Persians are running out of supplies.
Reinforcements arrive
Shirazi attempts a gamble, focusing his artillery fire on a section of the Chinese forces and then attempting a breakthrough and retreat back to the Port. However, additional Chinese forces arrive, and the Persian infantry regiments run out of bullets with how many Chinese men they've killed. They also face heavy casualties. Shirazi begins to sneak Persian infantry men out of the battle whilst the artilley hold back any attempted movement by the Chinese.

Now his artillery face constant waves of charges without any major infantry support.
The retreat is successful
Despite heavy losses, the Persian infantry manage to escape and begin to recover away from the battlefield.

After several days of recovery, the Persian artillery is snuck out of the battlefield at night time. All in all, the Battle of Pingle sees 40 000 Persian deaths and close to 226K Chinese deaths. It is the biggest Persian military loss in recent years, in terms of death count and strategic importance.

It did, however, come at the expense of massive numbers of Chinese troops.
Fall back to Hainan
Persian forces desperately retreat back to Hainan. The Persian Navy arrives, having lost contact with the army weeks ago, and provides much needed ammunition and medical supplies.

The British Navy also assists in bringing reinforcements from Persia. Hainan is fully seized, and the main armies of China are barred from entering the island by the Persian Navy.
With the introduction of the steam turbine to Persian farms, a desperate Shah sends a shipload of Potatoes to Hainan as he organizes for additional armies to be transported to China.
Thanks, Ford
Persian factories begin to copy Henry Ford's assembly line system, hence boosting their throughput.
The Maoming Offensive
Shirazi, despite his loss, does not see the Chinese armies as capable compared to Persia. He orders an offensive from Hainan in order to recover the Treaty Port, despite the similar Chinese army waiting for him.
Escape to Hainan
He, however, botches the operation. The Shah receives worrying news from the British that there are reports abound of the "defeat of the Persians". The British Navy begins to ship supplies directly from India to Hainan, and assist in moving reinforcements from the Persian Gulf to the army in China.

Shirazi argues that his failure was not a major one - he killed more Chinese than his losses. He prepares for a second breakout, once reinforcements and supplies arrive
We need more men
Upon hearing of this plan, the Shah organizes for another unit of 30 000 to be moved to China.

He also signs for Shirazi to be executed upon his return. He knew he couldn't trust the damn Kurd.

When informed that Shirazi is not in fact Kurdish, the Shah argues that he must have "some" Kurdish blood in him, somewhere down his family line.

How else could he be so incompetent?
We'll be back
The Persian Navy, that has held back the Chinese from Hainan, departs. Shirazi maintains that, as his army has recovered, that the Chinese would risk an offensive across the Hainan strait. He sets up his artillery to bombard any landing parties.
Build a navy!
Worried over the sighting of a large Chinese navy near Taipei, the Persians commission additional ships. The British suspend naval operations, upon the assurance of the Shah that the Persians can "supply their armies themselves"

Furthermore, the Persian navy turns around to try and dislodge the Chinese navy, deciding against getting reinforcements.
No, Shirazi, No!
Shirazi orders a new offensive onto Maoming. His army is much larger than the enemy's, and he should win.
Oh, okay
However, the Heavenly Navy arrives, and begins to blockade Hainan. The army now has no supplies, no contact with the outside world as is alone in Hainan. They were assured, however, that help would come when the Persian Navy returned.

The Persian Navy did in fact, return, and readied itself to end to blockade.

Upon seeing this, the Chinese navy scattered.
Fucking hell, Shirazi!
Shirazi's offensive to begin doing something in China starts off well, even if reinforcements arrive
Okay, then
300 000 Chinese men pour into Maoming, in order to stop any advance from Hainan.

The Persian Navy heads back to go get reinforcements. As they leave, the tell the army at Hainan that the Shah has personally promised to send help and ensure their victory.
Third retreat
Once again, the Persian army is humiliated as it is forced to retreat. The war, meant to last a month or two, is approaching the end of its second year.
Save me daddy!
The Shah is forced to call the British forces in India, and ask them to attack China in order to relieve the army at Hainan.
No, fuck no!
Two hundred thousand troops cross into Hainan. Shirazi sets up his artillery. The Persian Navy is going back home to get reinforcements, they are unable to stop the crossing.

The Army of Persia in China is alone, and help is far away.
A final stand
The Persian army, their faith in the Shah unwavering, refuse to surrender. They will go down to the last man.
Revolution in Persia
News of the disasters in China have caused an uprising in Persia, halting any progress in sending help to China. The Shah is distraught - the fucking peasants are holding him back! The Persians keep killing his ambitions! Death to Persia!
The British are coming! The British are coming!
British forces in India begin to pour into Myanmar, getting ready to fight the Chinese armies.
The horrors of war
All around him, men lay dying, coughing out their last few words. Fire and demolished buildings painted the landscape. The horses had died of starvation or smoke inhalation, and their riders lay around the stronghold, hoping to pass time till their inevitable demise. The Persian army was now surrounded, entrenched in the streets of Haikou, desperately clinging to life.

The Persian guns kept firing, however none of its infantry were left standing. Across the last few days, as the Persians were retreating, most if not all of the infantry men were either dead or too injured to fight. They were huddled in the center of the Persian position, idly listening to the guns firing but never able to do anything to change their fate. Hope was lost.

Day after day, the Chinese kept charging at the Persian position. The Persian artillery would desperately try to hold them back, and would kill far more Chinese troops than they lost. But one by one, streets would fall, artillery would be damaged and Persian men would be killed helping their compatriots escape. The hordes kept swarming, and supplies kept diminishing.

But there was no need to fear, he said. Help would arrive, he promised his men.

But as his ranks thinned, and men died of injury or starvation, Shirazi and his army were alone in his world. Across the masses of Chinese men surrounding his stronghold, there was no sign of the arrival of Persian ships. There was no sound of the trumpets of the Royal Salute.

Tehran would send help, he kept muttering to himself. Tehran would not abandon them. Tehran promised it. The Shah promised it. The Shah never broke his word. The Shah loved his people. Tehran was coming.

But, in his moment of need, as the world disintegrated around the Persian army, Tehran was silent.

And the guns kept firing.
On one morning, as the Chinese commanders readied themselves to dislodge the remainder of the Persian army, they noticed that the guns had stopped. As their troops approached the Persian position, there was utter silence.

They marched into what was Persian held streets, and were greeted by a horrific sight. Thousands of Persians, dead, their guns pointed at their heads.
Organic Chemistry
Replacing the army at Hainan
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
And it was all in vain
The British troops fighting the Chinese make significant, quick gains, forcing the Heavenly King to surrender and agree to Persian demands, almost 2 years after the start of the war. Unfortunately, they were not fast enough to end the siege at Hainan.

The bodies in Hainan are transported by the British navy back to Persia.

All in all, the Second Sino-Persian War claims 650K-750K men (due to discrepancies in Chinese accounts, this cannot be certain), 120K of which are Persian. It was the deadliest war the Persians had participated yet in the 19th century.
Revenge is best served cold
In return for what the Shah called the "horrific massacre" of Persian troops at Hainan, the important port city of Shanghai is granted to Persia as reparations.

Their death was for the glory of Persia, the Shah proclaims. They are swiftly buried and any further discussion of the incident is suppressed. Time keeps ticking on
The Shah orders a tax break for all of Persia as massive funds begin to pour into the government treasury. This should help fund his railroads, his slush fund and exorbitant gifts to the British.

Meanwhile, nationalists amongst the ranks of the Persian government are silently angrier than ever. The Shah's blatant disregard of the sacrifice at the Last Stand at Hainan, and the fact that Persia needed to call upon their white friends in order to win, have outraged many from all walks of life.

People begin to question where the Shah's allegiance lies.
The damage is done
The crushing of a huge number of Persian soldiers in China has drastically weakened the Persian military. Persia has gone from the edge of glory to a nation recovering from what should have been an easy war.

Nonetheless, prestige is at an all time high, with the Last Stand romanticized in western literature. Persians are now viewed as loyal and faithful people. The element of the "Europeans rushing to save them" helps fuel popularity in Europe.
Nationalism on the rise
Across the world, pride in the state has risen. In Persia itself, many are willing to die for their nation, even if not for their Shah.

The stakes across the world have risen, and rivalries are growing. The future does not bode well for the pacifist.
It was a curse!
In Egypt, the uncovering of several tombs occured roughly around the time as the incident in China. Many whisper rumors of a curse now affecting Persia.

The Shah brushes this off - what happened at Hainan was the "death of several replaceables". Whilst many in the court laugh at this, for once resentment at the Shah's offensive remarks can be seen in their faces.
On to a new age!
The light bulb is a brand new thing in western Europe. The Shah begins to encourage his engineers to learn the secrets of electricity, and to begin setting up electrical power plants in Persia. Instead of using local Persian intellectuals who may know of the science involved, the Shah invites several British scientists to "teach" his locals how to do things.
Viva la Revolution!
The Shah does not care for you!
Rise up and resist! The Shah does not care for you!

The mentally diseased rise up across Persia, notably in Turkmenistan, forcing the Persian military to react.
You owe us money!
The Ottomans declare that they no longer owe any money to the Persian state. The nationalistic and religious view this as an excellent opportunity to strike at the Sunni Empire, to restore Persian Glory after all those defeats a century ago.

The Shah, however, argues that Persia is not ready for such a war, and blocks any attempts.
The siege in the Treaty Ports
The communists have also risen up in China, forcing the Persian Navy to once again set sail to put them down.
Seeing the boldness of the Communists, several Uzbek nationalists rise up in the Persian Central Asian Territories. Persian government control is rapidly eroding and stability is dropping
Indians unite!
Similarly, those in Baluchistan see the weakening of the state as an excellent opportunity to begin discussing independence or breaking away from the Persian Empire.
Slow reaction, brah
The international community sighs as Persia struggles to restore order to its colonies and territories. There is now a threat of the communists who seized the Treaty port reverting control back to the Heavenly Kingdom.

The Shah orders his men to quit "jacking around" and put down the rebellions. He executes several generals for perceived incompetence.
Oh, fuck me
Pressured by the Shah, a Persian army engages the forces occupying Bukhara without significant army size. They begin to lose the fight, prompting more anger from the Shah.
Help arrives
The initial army is forced to back out of Bukhara, however a separate force arrives to relieve the city of their occupiers.
Storm the port!
A seperate Persian army, upon hearing that the Treaty Port's occupants are in discussions with the Heavenly King over restoring Chinese sovereignty, storm the territory.
Persian forces, yet again, suffer a humiliating defeat. They retreat back to their boats.
No time to lose!
Afraid of negotiations proceeding further and the Chinese getting involved, the Shah pressures his military officials to order another attack
The Shah is never wrong
As expected by his Greatness, the armies are defeated.
Persia lives!
Order is restored to the Treaty Port, and in Central Asia government institutions are fulling running again. Persia may have been momentarily unstable, but the Shah is eternal.
The Austro-Hungarian capitulate
Austria-Hungary decides to agree to German demands, increasing autonomy to Bohemia-Moravia until they simply grant independence to the state. Germany exerts its greater control over Europe - unlike before, there is no need for a war.
Bloody minorities
The Young Kurdish Party, the YKP, have been organizing protests ever since the uprisings several months ago. They decide to go violent, staging a march on numerous important cities, demanding Kurdish liberation.

They are swiftly crushed, but talk continues amongst nationalist circles about whether or not the Shah and his state has grown too weak.
Electricity is here!
Now that the secret of power generation is no longer secret, the Shah begins to invite foreign companies to set up light bulb factories and begin lighting up the Persian world.

Protests emerge from a united front of the clergy and conservatives, who ask that these factories give jobs to Persian workers, so as to educate them. The Shah brushes these concerns away, proclaiming that "the Westerners can do it well".
More western goods
The Shah also then invites the westerners to introduce and manufacture their combustion engines in Persia.

Whilst these is happening, a large conspiracy is organizing behind the scenes. The clergy, angered over the education in Persia, the nationalists angry over the weak state and the conservatives angry about the failure of the Shah to put Persians first begin to form a united front of opposition against the Shah.

But the Shah does not care. The Shah is eternal. The Shah does what the Shah wants.

Several months later, as the Shah was visiting a Shrine, he would pay dearly for his lack of concern with regards to the conservatives.
Some people are not meant for this world
In the blink of an eye, a man raises a revolver, points it at the Shah, and a shot is heard all around Persia.

And all hell breaks lose

Next chapter:

Game: Victoria 2

Death to the West - A Persian HPM AAR - Part 7

Images: 107, author: ElvenAshwin, published: 2017-02-06, edited: 1970-01-01

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The Five Stages of Grief, an Austrian AAR: Denial

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