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Game: Other games

CHG MKX - The Final Part (Sorry)

Images: 41, author: Leris, published: 2019-06-22, edited: 1970-01-01


Game: Other games

CHG Mk. X Part 8 | The most boring part I've ever ran

Images: 123, author: Leris, published: 2019-06-09

jesus fuck this part was boring to run

Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's

CHG Mk. X Part 7

Images: 96, author: Leris, published: 2019-06-01

rip pria

Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's

CHG Mk. X Part 6

Images: 107, author: Leris, published: 2019-05-26, edited: 2019-05-27

RIP Dutch

Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's

CHG Mk. 10 Part 5

Images: 115, author: Leris, published: 2019-05-19

LiberateLeris gets liberated and reliberated a whole lot

Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's

CivHybridGames Mk. X Part 1 (Take 3)

Images: 75, author: Leris, published: 2019-04-21
