"An After Action Report (or AAR) is any form of retrospective analysis on a given sequence of goal-oriented actions previously undertaken, generally by the author themselves." - Wikipedia
Here, at After Action Report Library we try to store and preserve as many game-related AARs as possible. You can view them and even upload them for free. Oh, and we use cookies.

Game: Europa Universalis IV
The Ocho: Part 2 - Not So Borengland After All
Leaving the Choctaw behind, the dice hand us England for our next 47 years.
I know, I know. Great Power? More like Great Boring. But it turned out to be more interesting than I anticipated!
Leaving the Choctaw behind, the dice hand us England for our next 47 years.
I know, I know. Great Power? More like Great Boring. But it turned out to be more interesting than I anticipated!

Game: Europa Universalis IV
The Ocho: Part 1 - Choctaw
There are just over 376 years in the vanilla campaign for Europa Universalis IV.
FUN FACT: 376 is perfectly divisible by 8. There are eight (nearly) identical 47-year segments.
Why should this matter? Well a few months ago there was a poster who was going to do a Vic2 playthrough switching tags randomly every 10 years. I don't believe they ever got past the first 10 years but I was intrigued. I thought I would try applying that to EU4.
Well 10 years isn't enough time to get anything done in EU4, however OCD demands an evenly divisible number of years. Thus...
Let's see what the dice choose for our first country.
FUN FACT: 376 is perfectly divisible by 8. There are eight (nearly) identical 47-year segments.
Why should this matter? Well a few months ago there was a poster who was going to do a Vic2 playthrough switching tags randomly every 10 years. I don't believe they ever got past the first 10 years but I was intrigued. I thought I would try applying that to EU4.
Well 10 years isn't enough time to get anything done in EU4, however OCD demands an evenly divisible number of years. Thus...
Let's see what the dice choose for our first country.

Game: Victoria 2
Colonizing 80% of Africa - r/Victoria2 weekly challenge 2
In vanilla Vic2 right at the start, Portugal can release a dominion called "Confederation of North Angola".
What's interesting about it is a fact that it has "African minor" as its primary culture. That means turning African colonies into states and even gaining some cores is relatively easy.
I decided to play as it and colonize as much Africa as I could.
What's interesting about it is a fact that it has "African minor" as its primary culture. That means turning African colonies into states and even gaining some cores is relatively easy.
I decided to play as it and colonize as much Africa as I could.