"An After Action Report (or AAR) is any form of retrospective analysis on a given sequence of goal-oriented actions previously undertaken, generally by the author themselves." - Wikipedia
Here, at After Action Report Library we try to store and preserve as many game-related AARs as possible. You can view them and even upload them for free. Oh, and we use cookies.
Game: Europa Universalis IV
Kingdom of Louisiana #6 Revolution or Rotation?
The Kingdom of Louisiana is now independent but we are not safe. Colonial Powers may see our independence as a treat to their empires. The Savages on our borders see our independence as an opportunity pillage towns on the frontier. Even internally, a growing movement of Louisanas believes we should not be ruled by French noble family.
Game: Europa Universalis IV
MEIOU&Taxes 2.0 Brittany AAR/Mod Showcase -- Part 5: Unmendable Schism
Rather Death Than Dishonor -- Europa Universalis IV AAR with MEIOU & Taxes 2.0 modification
Follow a lone man's epic quest to make Brittany a great power and learn a thing or two about the freaking amazing mod MEIOU & Taxes.
About the AAR in general:
- Read with vertical scrolling on, contains lots of text
-"comedic" and historical
- light narrative focus, mild roleplay, heavier gameplay focus
- Mostly screenshots instead of photos or paintings
- Some crude language
- Lengthy explanations of M&T mechanics
- Advice for new players of M&T
- The writer isn't a native speaker
- How i do talk england?
Follow a lone man's epic quest to make Brittany a great power and learn a thing or two about the freaking amazing mod MEIOU & Taxes.
About the AAR in general:
- Read with vertical scrolling on, contains lots of text
-"comedic" and historical
- light narrative focus, mild roleplay, heavier gameplay focus
- Mostly screenshots instead of photos or paintings
- Some crude language
- Lengthy explanations of M&T mechanics
- Advice for new players of M&T
- The writer isn't a native speaker
- How i do talk england?
Game: Crusader Kings II
The Trials of the Sons of Odin: A Paradox AAR. Chapter 10: The Great Reaver (Part 3)
Game: Victoria 2
NCFOM III: Begotten, Born, and Dies (The Armenian War) | Rome HtA AAR
Welcome back! Sorry for not posting earlier, was just somewhat busy earlier this month.
Previously, our beloved First Minister decided that the best way to distract the restive Roman masses was with a war, as he figured that our shiny and improved military tech and newfound Persian 'friends' will be able to take on the Armenians, who historically defeated Rome and seized parts of Anatolia in the past. In this episode, we'll be analyzing the Mesazon's gamble and focusing on the events of the Armenian War (1841-2) as they unfold.
Previously, our beloved First Minister decided that the best way to distract the restive Roman masses was with a war, as he figured that our shiny and improved military tech and newfound Persian 'friends' will be able to take on the Armenians, who historically defeated Rome and seized parts of Anatolia in the past. In this episode, we'll be analyzing the Mesazon's gamble and focusing on the events of the Armenian War (1841-2) as they unfold.