"An After Action Report (or AAR) is any form of retrospective analysis on a given sequence of goal-oriented actions previously undertaken, generally by the author themselves." - Wikipedia
Here, at After Action Report Library we try to store and preserve as many game-related AARs as possible. You can view them and even upload them for free. Oh, and we use cookies.
Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's
CBRMK2.1 Part 113 - Poor Unfortunate Souls
Temporary aar.li for Part 113 while we wait for Coiot/ Volpe to arrive. Enjoy!
Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's
Civ Hybrid Game Mk.VII Part Ten: A New Part Has Risen
Welcome to the Civ Hybrid Games: a Civ V AI game with a unique feature: YOU can alter the game's events!
Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's
Civ Hybrid Game Mk.VIII Part Eight: It's a Most Wonderful Time
Welcome to the Civ Hybrid Games: a Civ V AI game with a unique feature: YOU can alter the game's events!
Game: Hearts of Iron IV
The Five Stages of Grief, An Austrian AAR: Anger
Unrest is across Europe. All it has taken is the Reich to spark the flames.
Game: Civilization V, Sid Meier's
Mediterranean AI - Part: 11 Africa vs the Caucasus - Where is Seen More?
Game: Hearts of Iron IV
The Five Stages of Grief, an Austrian AAR: Denial
A neutral Austria AAR. We will not surrender to the Reich.