Civilization V is a turn-based strategy game, where each player represents the leader of a certain nation or ethnic group ("civilization") and must guide its growth over the course of thousands of years. It starts with the founding of a small settlement and ends after achieving one of the victory conditions—or surviving until the number of game turns end, at which point the highest-scoring civilization, based on several factors, such as population, land, technological advancement, and cultural development, is declared the winner.
Civ Hybrid Games are Civ 5 AI Games with a unique twist: YOU can alter the course of the game! You can join a civ, and once every part (20 turns), you can change things like implementing diplomacy, adding in units, spending gold, changing technology courses and social policy decisions, interfere with other civs, and so much more! Check out for more details.
Sakoran's first ever AI-only Civ V Match, complete with 15 Civs and a lost Polynesian Nuclear Submarine. When Santa Claus, Cthulhu, Aliens, Zombies, The Headless Horseman and more are pitted head to head, who will emerge victorious in a battle to become the most revered legend.